Environmental Contribution Activities / Environmental Communication Environmental Contribution Activities / Environmental Communication


Basic stance

The survival and growth of companies is supported by resources such as energy and water generated by our Earth. At Advantest we believe that protecting and nurturing the global environment that we benefit greatly from is a very important issue for environmental management, and we conduct our environmental contribution activities based on this belief. A wide variety of living beings inhabit our earth and enrich the global environment. It is essential for companies to efficiently use the resources the Earth has blessed us with so that sustainable development is achieved, and it is necessary for companies to fulfill their corporate social responsibility by helping preserve the diversity of the Earth's living things. We have clearly defined a stance of treating biodiversity conservation activities as a business goal and are conducting initiatives to this end.

Biodiversity conservation in the biotope

Since 2005, Advantest has been holding nature observation events for elementary schools near its sites, using the biotope as a venue for communicating with surrounding communities. Participants in these events learn what kinds of plants and animals live in the biotope by conducting a search. They also fish for crayfish to reduce the number of introduced species such as crayfish, which prompts them to consider the importance of biodiversity. Every year, about 200 children and guardians from three neighboring schools take part in our nature observation event. We plan to continue this activity, making it a centerpiece of cooperation with the community.

Basic stance on environmental information disclosure

Our business activities have a range of impacts on the environment.
In order for us to responsibly and continuously develop, it is important that we share environmental information with stakeholders and reflect this in our environmental management.
At Advantest Group, we disclose information about our environmental impact and activities through reports, our website and exhibitions etc. Also, we make efforts to promote two-way communication, creating opportunities to have discussions with stakeholders, such as holding factory tours for employees’ family members.

Environmental complaints
  Fiscal 2012 Fiscal 2013 Fiscal 2014
Complaints from stakeholders 0 0 0
Serious legal violations related to the environment 0 0 0

* Japan

Environmental information disclosure