Environmental Risk and Chemical Substance Management Environmental Risk and Chemical Substance Management


Basic policy for environmental risk management

The Advantest Group sets voluntary standards more stringent than prevailing environmental laws and regulations, and implements such standards in the course of operating equipment that could potentially impact the environment, and in monitoring and assessing those operations.

Furthermore, to ensure that we respond without hesitation should an environment-related incident occur, we have forged rules for addressing such risks, stipulated in documented operating procedures and chemical substance emergency-response procedures and other such guidelines, and have put management systems in place related to those rules.

Moreover, our employees and contractors handling particularly high risk operations regularly take part in specialized training and emergency drills, conducted to ensure that they are able to act swiftly in the event of an emergency.

Business location compliance management


Basic policy for chemical substance management

We are working to ensure safety management and compliance with laws and regulations in the use and storage of chemical substances used at business locations at the Advantest Group.

To this end, we have adopted a chemical substance management system. Based on this system, chemical substances are registered, safety reviews are conducted, design that supports input/output control and laws and regulations is adopted, and the material safety data sheets (MSDS) that are necessary for the safe handling of chemical substance have been made available for inspection at any time.
In addition, for strengthened risk management and chemicals substance management, we are constructing a safety training system, and conducting audits and providing guidance through the corporate chemical management division to ensure the safety of stored chemical substances to further enhance our safety control system.

Furthermore, we plan to build up our global management system as we aim to achieve the same level of risk management overseas as in Japan.

Improving chemical substance management: “Aiming for more precise management”


Stringent chemical controls


Controls applied to each and every container

At Advantest Group, we manage the chemical substances that we use by each container through our chemical substance management system. Depending on the management level of chemical substances regulated under the PRTR Law, Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law, Occupational Safety and Health Act and other laws and regulations, we separate the management rank and set the management method according to each rank, with the aim of having a flexible system.

Introduction of more precise management method that suited to danger level of chemicals

We carry out employee education on chemical substances and thoroughly publicize handling and points of caution for chemical substances. We have also simplified management of relatively safe chemical substances and allow self-management of off-the-counter sprays and glues.

Chemical substance control rankings
Rank Conditions for application Locked storage Dispensary control Inventory checks
4 Chemical is extremely toxic or has a profound social impact; registration with national or other government is necessary.
Examples: narcotics, stimulants, etc.
Yes Yes As required by law
3 Chemical is highly toxic; any loss must be reported.
Examples: poisons, strong drugs, etc.
Yes Yes Monthly
2 Chemical is inflammable, corrosive, or poisonous with prolonged exposure.
Examples: organic solvents, acids, alkalis, etc.
Yes Yes Twice annually
1 Chemical is not very harmful, but due to the large amounts used, control is necessary.
Examples: solder paste, Fluorinert, etc.
No Yes Twice annually
0 Chemical is not very harmful and does not warrant special control.
Examples: some adhesives, grease, lubricants, paint, lead-free solder, wire solder, bar solder, sprays (spray oil, cooling spray), etc.
No No No


According to this management, proper after use treatment will be followed such as making a request to a waste treatment company.

Implementation of general and specialist chemical substance e-learning education


Materials used in training
on chemical substances

We carry out general chemical substance education for employees with the aim of making participants aware of the possibility of accidents or environmental pollution through mishandling even of everyday chemicals, and making them understand ways of reducing these risks. And for employees who use chemical substances every day we conduct a more practical specialist education every year through e-learning from the perspective of awareness of dangers and safe handling.

In this program we explain simply, using examples of accidents, about chemical substances regulated under the main laws such as poisons, strong drugs, organic solvents, specific chemicals, Fire Service Act hazardous materials.

In fiscal 2014 we conducted general education for all new employees and specialist training for 574 employees who handle chemical substances.

  • The danger of chemical substances (effect on the human body)
  • The importance of safety training for chemical handlers
  • The importance of wearing protective materials (gloves, goggles, masks, etc.)
  • Points to be observed according to the law
    Special medical diagnosis, selection of a work leader, environmental measurement, inspection of ventilation equipment, notification of designated hazardous materials under the Fire Defense Law