Global Warming Prevention Global Warming Prevention


Basic Policy

The Advantest Group regards its efforts toward putting a stop to global warming as part of the corporate mission, and as such works vigorously to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by offering green products and introducing innovative business processes.

We are promoting medium to long term energy saving measures corresponding to the Energy Conservation Law and regulations.

Fiscal 2014 results

Advantest is working to simultaneously achieve both energy savings and cost reduction through more efficient production and elimination of waste. In our buildings, we are optimizing air-conditioning and other systems and replacing superannuated equipment with more efficient models, as well as implementing appropriate lighting levels and switching to LED illumination.
Our main efforts in fiscal 2014 were unplugging unused transformers, shortening air conditioning times and switching to LED bulbs which saved 70 MWh annually.

We will continue to eliminate waste and make efforts to decrease CO2 while saving energy and costs.

GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2)


Scope: 10 locations in Japan (including affiliates)

Efforts to reduce manufacturing time for T6373

At the Gunma factory we manufacture our main product, semiconductor test systems.
The manufacturing is cell-type (manufactured in one place), and according to customer specifications we connect cables to the frame for each system, add the circuit boards, install the power source and make adjustments, completing the system.
For the LCD driver test system T6373, by promoting efficiency in data collection and multi-skilling engineers we have reduced the adjustment time to as little as six days and reduced electricity use per unit to 1,092 kWh.

PICK UP(1) Initiative: Improving efficiency of performance data collection

By collecting data with the nighttime automatic diagnostic program for the data collection process that confirms the system performance, we changed the state of systems being adjusted to “always on”. Also, because data is collected on each pin, it takes time when there are many channels. By cooperating with the development department we were able to reduce the time needed from 18 hours to 8 hours.

PICK UP (2) Initiative: Introduction of tablet to promote multi-functionality

Normally in the manufacturing department system adjustment is done separately by adjustment teams for each product such as the memory tester and SoC tester. However, we introduced multi-skilling so that other team members can assist depending on their level of work. Also, through the introduction of process documents on tablets, we became able to work more efficiently, ensuring that the most up-to-date process document was always used. We aim to develop the tablet based process documents for each memory/SoC test system and improve operational efficiency.

Transferring T6373 know-how to the successor T6391

Utilizing the know-how gained in the manufacturing of T6373, we will make efforts to reduce manufacturing time for the successor T6391 from fiscal 2015.

Manufacturing electricity consumption


T6373 system manufacturing time


Initiatives on green energy in overseas bases

Purchase of green energy from wind

Advantest America, Inc. (AAI) is making efforts in the area of renewable energy. In order to reduce the environmental impact from electricity use, the equivalent of 100% of energy used in the site is supplied by green wind energy.


Registration certificate

Installation of large-scale solar

Advantest Korea Co., Ltd. (ATK) is pursuing a range of environmental activities.
At the Cheonan factory, solar panels have been installed on the roof which generate about 1,325 MWh of electricity annually and contribute to reducing CO2. Aside from this, they are taking initiatives such as thorough separation of waste and encouraging staff not to waste food in the canteen (Zero wasted food initiative).

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Solar panels