Human Rights and Labor Practices Human Rights and Labor Practices

  • Initiatives Related to the Protection and Respect of Human Rights

    Respecting employees as a valuable resource, we have adopted a “basic human resources philosophy“ to increase value for both employees and the company and aim to grow as a company together with our employees.

  • Accepting Diversity

    We are actively taking steps to promote global human resource exchange, actively hire foreign graduates, promote hiring of women and increase the share of female managers through promotion and promote education planning focused on young and mid-career employees, and we aim to be a company that can utilize diverse human resources.

  • Fair Evaluation and Treatment

    Based on Advantest’s basic human resources philosophy, we are focusing on results and taking into consideration fairness and soundness.

  • Human Resources Development

    As a Global company, we develop professional employees with global-level skills. In addition, we are actively supporting employees who strive to self-study with a tireless effort.

  • Supporting diverse working styles

    We create a work environment that facilitates the achievement of a good work-life balance in order to support our employee's diverse lifestyle and individual development.

  • Occupational Health and Safety

    In all our activities we recognize that Health and Safety is one of the most important aspects of our business operation and work on health and safety activities.