Compliance Compliance


Our Stance to Compliance

Overview of Policy

Companies aiming for sustainable growth need employees who fulfill their social responsibilities and who possess a strong sense of ethics. They also need to earn the trust of stakeholders. Based on this belief, Advantest has established The ADVANTEST Way — the fundamental handbook which lays out our management direction and policy, and which comprises our Corporate Mission (“Technology Support on the Leading Edge”), Corporate Mantra (“Quest for the Essence”) and CSR Policy — as well as The Advantest Code of Conduct, which provides specific guidelines for employees to enhance their ethical awareness.

Compliance Promotion System

Advantest gives guidance and advice to all Group employees to ensure that they fully understand and comply with the “The ADVANTEST Way & Code of Conduct”, and has established a global management structure.
When employees are carrying out day-to-day business operations, if they come across a problem that they feel is in violation with or contradiction of “The ADVANTEST Way & Code of Conduct”, they should first report to and consult with the department head, and if necessary, to other relevant departments. In 2006, we established a “Corporate Ethics Helpline”, which we operate globally, for cases where it is difficult for employees to consult with department heads or other relevant departments. Since setting up the helpline, we have received various communications from Group employees both in Japan and overseas; we then seek to resolve these issues while maintaining the privacy of the employees concerned. We will continue to sincerely respond to such communications so as to maintain Advantest’s integrity.
Also, as a member of the international community, we regularly conduct compliance audits through our global audit teams in order to ensure that we follow the different laws and regulations in each country and carry out our business activities appropriately.

  • Contact Point for Reports

Compliance Education

At Advantest, we distribute a booklet called “The ADVANTEST Way & Code of Conduct” to all Group employees and implement efforts to ensure employee commitment. However, with the full integration of Verigy Inc. into Advantest in April 2012, the creation of new overseas production bases and the internationalization of both R&D and production bases, there is an increasing need to ensure thorough legal compliance worldwide and to pay attention to compliance across the Group while also ensuring a thorough understanding of the different laws and regulations in each country.

For this reason, through cooperation between Advantest’s audit teams and the legal affairs departments, we are working to strengthen training activities related to national laws and regulations. In addition, to ensure employee commitment in regard to compliance matters, we are implementing regular e-learning sessions for all Group employees on “The ADVANTEST Way & Code of Conduct” and on the subject of “anti-corruption and anti-bribery”.