Message from CEO Message from CEO


Electronic Measurement Technologies Contribute to Sustainable Development

Since our founding in 1954, Advantest has refined our electronic measurement technologies and grown organically in step with the electronics industry. Semiconductor test systems, our current flagship products, test whether semiconductors work as designed without malfunctioning. These semiconductors are used in various products that we all rely on in our daily lives. Thus, Advantest contributes to worldwide safety and security through measurement technology.

Currently, the digital revolution is embedding innovations such as IoT, AI, deep learning, self-driving cars, and more into our daily lives. In the future, semiconductors will have even higher performance, while being smaller and consuming less power. Higher reliability will be more important than ever. As Advantest does business around the world, we are striving to globalize our management team and strengthen the global network of the Advantest Group, to further support the innovations needed not only in Japan but in the semiconductor industry worldwide.

In 2016, Advantest set out important issues (materialities) and evaluation metrics to address as a part of our commitment to sustainability, including sustainable financial performance, establishment of a compliance system, reduction of environmental impact, and prevention of corruption. We are currently examining details for each materiality such as related personnel and policies, and will disclose our findings together with the results of our activities in our FY2017 Sustainability Report. We will continue activities targeting improvement in these areas, aiming for medium- to long-term enhancement of corporate value.

Advantest will continue to develop superior electronic measurement technologies to respond to society’s needs and issues as they arise, furthering our contribution to sustainable development worldwide. Together with our stakeholders, I look forward to a bright future of shared prosperity and ongoing innovation.

Yoshiaki Yoshida
Representative Director, President & CEO
September 2017