Environmental Related Data Environmental Related Data


Advantest keeps tabs of the company’s annual environmental load, using such numerical data to pinpoint areas where our operations are impacting the environment so that we can introduce measures and policies to reduce our environmental load.

Material Flow (FY 2016)

Material Flow

Environmental Burden Data


Scope: 10 domestic bases (including affiliated companies)

Electricity consumption

Electricity consumption

Heavy oil consumption

Heavy oil consumption

Gas consumption

Gas consumption

Energy (amount of heat) consumption

Energy (amount of heat) consumption

CO2 emissions

CO<sub>2</sub> emissions

Water usage and discharged water

Water usage and discharged water

Waste output and recycling rate

Waste output and recycling rate




Scope: 9 overseas bases (including affiliated companies)

Electricity consumption

Electricity consumption

Green purchasing of electricity

Green purchasing of electricity

Heavy oil consumption

Heavy oil consumption

Gas consumption

Gas consumption

Energy (amount of heat)

Energy (amount of heat)

CO2 emissions

CO<sub>2</sub> emissions

* Revised due to changing the data covered to FY2013.

Water usage

Water usage

Waste output and recycling rate

Waste output and recycling rate