Economic Impact Economic Impact


Approach to Materiality in Economic Performance

Advantest considers economic performance such as net sales and operating income our foundation and the most important factor for the company to continue ongoing activities.

Supervising division Management Planning Department
KPI Net sales/operating profit margin
FY2017 target Net sales: 172.0 billion yen; Operating profit margin: 10.5%
FY2016 result Net sales: 155.9 billion yen; Operating profit margin: 8.9%
Boundary (scope) Advantest Group
Relevant policies Financial Results/Presentation
Relevant commitments -
Responsible department/division Board of Directors
Relevant complaint processing policy -
Assessment -

Economic Performance

Change in Net Sale

*Financial data are presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 and the data before then are presented based on US GAAP.


Change in Operating Income/Operating Income Margin

*Financial data are presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 and the data before then are presented based on US GAAP.


For more detailed information, see the "IR Library" section on the Advantest website.


Financial Support Received from the Government

In FY2015, the Company did not receive any financial support (including tax breaks or subsidies) from the Japanese government or from local government authorities.