Environmental Accounting Results Environmental Accounting Results



Scope: 8 domestic bases (including affiliated companies) Period: April 2016 to March 2017

Unit: ¥1,000

Category Major activities Capital investment Costs
FY2015 FY2016 FY2015 FY2016
Environmental conservation costs 1) Business area costs
(1) Pollution prevention costs Installation, repair, environmental assessment, and maintenance of pollution,  prevention facilities 0 0 28,016 32,003
(2) Global environmental conservation costs Installation of energy-saving equipment and facilities 2,443 13,550 9,261 12,439
(3) Resource recycling costs Disposal and recycling of waste; construction of water supply facilities 0 0 23,046 25,019
2) Upstream / downstream costs Green procurement and purchasing; introduction and development of recycled packaging materials 0 0 0 0
3) Administrative costs Operation of Environmental Management System; management of the biotope; disclosure of environmental information 0 0 97,662 58,710
4) R&D costs R&D of environmentally friendly products and production technologies 0 0 3,340 3,845
5) Social activity costs Tree-planting in the surrounding areas 0 0 3,862 2,568
6) Environmental remediation costs Environmental remediation; penalties or litigations concerning environmental conservation 0 0 0 0
Total 2,443 14,620 165,187 133,514


Category Major activities FY2015 FY2016
Environmental conservation benefits 1) Economic benefits Benefit amount
(1) Energy cost savings benefits Installation of energy-saving equipment and facilities; implementation of energy-saving measures 736 1,879
(2) Revenue from sale of recycled materials Sale of recovered metals, etc. 18,321 15,834
(3) Waste disposal cost savings benefits due to reduced waste volumes Reduction benefits of wastewater disposal costs through the use of discharged water treatment facilities, etc. 5,277 3,989
(4) Publicity benefits from media coverage Coverage by newspapers 2,333 925
Total 26,667 20,748
2) Physical benefits Volume reduced /effectively used
(1) Power consumption reduction benefits Power consumption reduction through installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities and adjustment of operation
(2) Energy consumption reduction benefits Energy consumption reduction through installation of energy-saving  equipment and facilities and adjustment of operation
(3) CO2 emission reduction benefits CO2 emission reduction through installation of energy-saving equipment and facilities and adjustment of operation
(4) Effective utilization of resources The total quantity of waste metals, office paper, waste plastics, and other resources recycled 279 (t) 242 (t)
(5) Effective utilization of waste The percentage of waste recycled to the total volume of waste generated at sites 95 (%) 93 (%)


Scope: Overseas affiliates 9 companies Period: April 2016 to March 2017

Unit: ¥1,000

Category Major activities Costs
Environmental conservation costs Global environmental conservation costs Installation of energy-saving equipment and facilities; improvement of facilities 9,179
Resource recycling costs Waste disposal costs, etc 7,788
Administrative costs Operating environmental management system utilization; environment-related seminars 6,984
Social activity costs Clean-up activities in the surrounding areas; donations to civil society organizations 2,560
Total 26,511


Category Major activities FY2016
Environmental conservation benefits 1) Economic benefits Benefit amount
(1) Power cost reduction benefits Power cost reduction through installation of energy-saving equipment and facilities 19,683
(2) Revenue from sale of recycled materials Sale of recovered metals, etc. 56
2)Physical benefits Volume reduced
(1) Power consumption reduction benefits Power consumption reduction through installation of energy-saving equipment and facilities 1,312 (MWh)
(2) CO2 emissions reduction benefits CO2 emissions reduction through installation of energy-saving equipment and facilities 492 (t-CO2)