Environmental Action Plan Environmental Action Plan


Environmental Action Plan

At Advantest Group we are clarifying the important challenges that we should tackle with our environmental activities and we have formulated an “Environmental Action Plan.” With the three key points that are promotion of environmental management, providing green products and, reform of business processes, we are promoting responsible efforts to help realize a recycling society and low-carbon society.

7th Advantest Environmental Action Plan

Due to factors such as the expansion of our overseas production operations, the environmental impact of Advantest’s overseas production bases has been growing. Advantest recognizes the importance of promoting environmental measures that take the company’s overseas production bases into account. The 7th Advantest Environmental Action Plan continues to address the issues targeted by the 6th Advantest Environmental Action Plan, while endeavoring to set targets that incorporate overseas business bases. More specifically, the Plan sets targets relating to the promotion of global environmental education, raising the recycling rate at overseas production bases, and promoting the ongoing use of renewable energy, etc.

Key Issues:

  1. Promotion of environmental management: In line with the trend towards the development of a low-carbon society, Advantest is implementing responsible measures in the area of environmental management.
  2. Providing green products: In both our core business and our tester peripherals business, Advantest is contributing, through the company’s products, towards reducing customers’ environmental burden.
  3. Reform of business processes: Advantest is promoting measures to make business processes and the utilization of energy more efficient.

Scope (as of March 31, 2017)

  1. Measures applicable to: All companies within the Advantest Group
    Six business bases within Japan (including affiliates)
    Seven overseas business bases (AAI, AEG, ASP, ATK, ATC, ATI and AMY)
  2. Period covered: Fiscal 2015 – Fiscal 2017 (three years)

Important Challenges

The relationship to environmental policy

Action items

Action items
(target details)

Results Achieved in Fiscal 2016

Promotion of environmental management
  Promotion of environmental management 1) Transition to revised ISO14001. By FY2017 year-end complete transition to ISO14001: 2015 standard.
  • Created manuals and instructions to respond to new standards
  • Conducted briefings about transition measures at each site in Japan
2) Promote global environmental education. Carry out e-learning once a year.

Environmental education is implemented both in Japan and overseas using e-learning.
Percentage of employees undergoing e-learning: 99.6%

3) Promote environmental contribution activities, educational contribution activities. Promote environmental, social contribution activities and education support activities.

[Within Japan] 8 projects implemented (the main activities are listed below)

  • Conducted special science classes at neighborhood elementary schools with the participation of 130 students
  • Conducted nature observations with the participation of 90 local elementary school students
  • Periodically conducted cleaning activities around our business locations

[Overseas] 10 projects implemented (the main activities are listed below)

  • Implementation of bicycle commuting and charity activities (Germany)
  • Conducted screenings of environmental movies and held energy-saving events (America)
  • Conducted volunteer activities to clean coastal areas and distributed boiled rice (Singapore)
  • Conducted recycling and donation activities (Korea)
Conservation of biodiversity 1) Promotion of forest conservation activities At each site, carry out forest conservation activities. A group of 24 Advantest employees volunteered to undertake thinning-out work at the "Kusatsu Therapy Forest".
2) Biotope development and utilization Foster and utilize biotope. (Nature observation events targeting neighborhood elementary schools, protection of endangered plants)

The Gunma R&D Center is implementing four biotope-related activities.

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, prevention of pollution Promoting resource recycling Improve waste recycling rate.
(*Target values have been adjusted in line with changes in recycling methods for general waste)
1) Maintain and management Japanese bases recycling rate
Maintain recycling rate of 99% or more of the Japanese bases.
Maintain and management recycling rate of 90% or more of the Japanese bases. Recycling rate for facilities in Japan: 92%
2) Improve overseas bases recycling rate Aim for recycling rate of 65% or more.
(Measures: reconfirmation of recycling criteria, review of treatment methods)
Recycling rate for overseas facilities: 65%
Promotion of measures against global warming (climate change)    
1) Promotion of efficient use of energy Achieve an annual average improvement of 1% in per-unit energy consumption at Advantest business bases in Japan.
Compared to the reference year FY2012, 5% or more reduction in FY2017 (Aim for 7.73% or more by FY2020)
Implement of more efficient utilization of air conditioning units and of switching off equipment when not required, etc.
Rate of improvement in per-unit energy consumption
9.5% reduction compared to FY 2012
2) Use of renewable energy Promote the purchase of green power and introduction of solar power in overseas bases. At AAI and ATK, management is focused on maintaining the current energy use performance.
AAI: 9,200 MWh per year
ATK: 1,350 MWh per year
Providing green products

Reduce customers’ environmental burden

1) improvement of energy-saving performance of new products Reduce power consumption per unit of performance in new products by 20-50%. Advantest's T5830 Memory Test System realizes a 81% reduction in electric power consumption (compared to the T5781)
Advantest's Test System T2000 Air realizes a 30% reduction in the installation area.
Advantest's EVA100 (1024 pin) measurement system realizes a 63% reduction in electric power consumption (compared to the T6577)
Advantest's M4827 Test Handler realizes a 26% reduction in electric power consumption on a unit performance basis
DI products: Actions to equip a moisture absorption device and change the materials of the seal sponge reduced the dry air flow by 7%.
2) Resource-saving, size reduction, reducing components and materials Achieve resource-saving in products, size reduction and reduction in components and materials. DI products: With HIFIX and custom performance boards (PB), there has been a successful evolution from conventional 0.3mm pitch device to 0.2mm pitch device substrate, making it possible to achieve a 56% reduction in device area.
DI products: Measures of the previous year, improvements to technology for mounting probes, and ensuring safety of the yield for each component reduced the required man hour of new devices by 30% compared to existing products for measurement.
3) RoHS compliant products, expansion of lead-free mounting products RoHS compliant in target products, achieve lead-free mounting. Advantest's EVA100 measurement system realizes a lead-free implementation


4) alternative to Fluorinert and reduce usage Establish an alternative cooling technology to Fluorinert and put into practical use. The reliability of heat conductive materials was evaluated as a main indirect cooling system
5) Start-up of new business for reduction of environmental burden Launch new businesses and products related to the environment, and contribute to society. There were no new proposals in fiscal 2016, but we continued to investigate ideas related to the environment starting in fiscal 2017.
6) Increase sales of new products Replace aging testers with new products, to contribute to electric power saving of customers. Sales performance: 41 units
Electric power saving: 1,265.8 kWh/year
Reform of business processes
  Reform of business processes Promotion of business efficiency improvements and energy-saving Promote business efficiency improvements and efficiency in energy usage  
1) Efficiency improvements in production Reduce production time and cut production electrified time by 30%
  • With Advantest's T5851 Memory Test System, the number of days during production in which electric power usage is required has been reduced from 16 days to 10.5 days.
    The overall amount of electric power used in production has been reduced from 274,560 kWh per unit to 180,180 kWh per unit, a 44% reduction (with a total of 13 units shipped)
  • With Advantest's T5821 Memory Test System, the number of days during production in which electric power usage is required has been reduced from 17 days to 11.6 days.
    The overall amount of electric power used in production has been reduced from 244,800 kWh per unit to 167,040 kWh per unit, a 32% reduction (with a total of 8 units shipped)
2) Energy-saving in building facilities and efficiency improvement Renovate old equipment to improve efficiency and equalize electricity usage. While the planned replacement of older equipment could not be implemented this year, by utilizing equipment more efficiently, it was possible to reduce energy consumption by an amount equivalent to 90 kl of crude oil (compared to FY 2015).
3) Improve the operational efficiency of product development and production Conduct information sharing in a production environment that is integrated from the early stage of development, and build a Global PLM that can be expected to improve efficiency globally for a variety of product development and production businesses. Operation of a PLM system is being prepared.
4) Reduction of in-house CO2 emissions due to reduction in time required for MB design, manufacturing and servicing Streamline MB development and design to reduce CO2 emissions by 30%. DI products: An upgraded base simplified cable work in the MB to reduce the manufacturing period by 3 days (200H), providing a reduction in CO2 emissions equivalent to 600kg/unit (T5821WMB)