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Advantest Group Health and Safety Policy

Advantest Group recognizes that Health and Safety (H&S) is one of the important aspects of our business operation. This policy is set forth to ensure every Advantest employee’s Health and Safety.

  1. Health and Safety First
    We will make H&S as the first priority for employees in all Advantest operation groups.
  2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    Aim to achieve compliance with legal requirements through good occupational health and safety performance.
  3. Regular Review of Health and Safety Compliance
    To support this policy we will provide employees with an annual activity plan which will address every business location’s H&S regulations through management support.
  4. Education and Training
    Ensure that employees receive appropriate training, and are competent to carry out their designated responsibilities.
  5. Disclosure of Health and Safety
    To raise awareness, we will announce our H&S information to all employees publicly.

Promoting occupational health and safety activities

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Safety and health education on
handling high voltage equipment

At the Advantest Group, we prepare annual occupational health and safety plans stemming from our basic policy, while systematic health and safety activities are conducted mainly by the Safety and Health Committee established at each business site of Advantest Corporation and its affiliates in Japan. In addition, the Safety and Health Committee informs business sites of problem areas and pursues improvements as it works to establish consistent occupational health and safety activities.

In fiscal 2012, we drafted the Advantest Group Labor Safety and Health Basic Policy with the aim of forming consensus in that regard within the Group. Meanwhile, the Safety and Health Committees of respective business sites embarked on an ongoing safety oversight course of action, in line with company policy, entailing preparation of annual safety plans, implementation of those plans, evaluation of implementation results, and improvements to problem areas.

In fiscal 2013, we continue on from the previous fiscal year preparing our annual plan which is grounded in the company's basic policy, and have been overseeing its effective implementation. Moreover, we have been providing training covering basic safety concerns to every one of our employees in an attempt to instill a better awareness of such issues, improving information channels among our operating bases outside of Japan, and building mechanisms that enable us to get a firmer grasp of conditions at all of our business locations while also improving communications involving those sites.

Mental Health

At Advantest we believe that lively workplaces are created by vigorous employees. Accordingly, our Health Promotion Office spearheads efforts to provide support to help ensure better employee physical and mental health so that we can provide a safe and comfortable work environment for them.

In fiscal 2010 and 2011, we offered mental healthcare training along with follow-up sessions for managers designed to help them create workplaces where issues are detected promptly and acted on swiftly. This training has brought about steady improvements in the way management has come to deal with mental wellbeing issues.
In fiscal 2012, we encouraged prevention-oriented wellness strategies involving self-awareness and personal health maintenance, and introduced testing to diagnose stress levels with the aim of improving the workplace environment.
This stress diagnosis testing, which targeted all Advantest Group employees and was accessible through the corporate intranet, drew an 84.4% response rate. After the testing, we offered six self-care training sessions to all employees engaged in high-stress work environments, of which 261 took part, and provided training for management bringing in 29 participants. In addition, we conducted training on improving physical and mental health targeting all employees at regional business sites that have no full-time staff members, out of which 221 employees took part.

Now, given potential benefits of continued testing due to the nature of day-to-day swings in stress levels, we have decided to lend further support throughout fiscal 2013 toward improving employee mental health and wellbeing, such that will encompass approaches for helping individuals suffering from high levels of stress.

Health care

We had our own proprietary criteria for health examination drawn up in fiscal 2012, upon review beginning in fiscal 2011 delving into steps taken following employee medical exams.

Looking at health examination results, we discovered that our workforce had abnormally-high rates of blood lipids overall. Consequently, in addition to our ordinary health care support we set out to help our employees lower their blood lipid levels under a three-year plan providing for measures to address lipid abnormalities apparent from hyper-LDL cholesterolemia. In the course of receiving health management support following their health examinations in fiscal 2012, we conducted a questionnaire for the employees known to have abnormal LDL cholesterol levels in fiscal 2011. Then based on those results, the employees were grouped into three categories according to whether they had lower, unchanged or otherwise higher LDL cholesterol measurements Once analysis of health  examination results is complete, we intend to draw on those findings in considering means of providing healthcare guidance to those employees in fiscal 2013, on the basis of a review into how levels of employee awareness regarding the health examination outcomes relate in terms of impetus for behavior modification.