Editorial Note Editorial Note


In order to fulfill our responsibility to explain to stakeholders and to inform the wider society of our activities towards the realization of a sustainable society, from fiscal 2015 Advantest Group has changed this report’s name from “CSR Report” to “Sustainability Report.”

The 2017 Sustainability Report includes information for disclosure items based on the GRI’s G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, with the information disclosed collated in a forward-looking manner.

Changes in Report

2000: Environmental Report
2006: Social and Environmental Report
2007: CSR Report
2015: Sustainability Report

Scope of Report and Period Covered

This report covers activities pursued by Advantest and its major affiliates in Japan and overseas throughout fiscal 2016 (April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017).

* Some activities before and after fiscal 2015 are also featured in the report, with the aim of facilitating reader understanding.

Release Date

September 2017

Reporting Cycle


Guidelines Referenced

  • Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines Ver. 4.0.
  • Ministry of the Environment, “Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2012”

Contact Information

For CSR related inquiries
CSR & Environmental Affairs Promotion Center, CSR & Environmental Affairs Promotion Office