Management Approach Management Approach


Basic Stance

As a member of civil society, Advantest is supported by a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, suppliers, employees, the local communities in the vicinity of the company’s business locations, etc. Advantest bears social responsibility towards all of these stakeholders.

Recognizing this responsibility, we implement various measures based on identified materiality aspects relating to occupational health and safety, compliance, etc.

Identified Materiality Aspects and KPIs, and Targets for FY2018

Materiality Aspect KPI Measures implemented
Conflict minerals Continuing efforts to use materials where the risk that said minerals have been produced using conflict minerals is low, by asking business partners to ensure transparency in regard to the sources of materials and components, etc., and by working together with industry organizations and business partners to investigate information relating to conflict minerals (i.e. mineral processing firm information). Procurement Practices
Employment Percentage of employees returning to work after taking childbirth and/or childcare leave Employment and Diversity
Occupational health and safety Occupational accident rate in Japan (frequency rate) Occupational Health and Safety
Training and education Average number of hours of training per employee per year Human Resources Development, Fair Evaluation and Treatment
Diversity and equal opportunity Female employees as percentage of total workforce Employment and Diversity
Supplier labor practices assessment Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using labor practices criteria. Procurement Practices
Non-discrimination Number of complaints submitted to the helpline that are properly resolved Compliance
Supplier human rights assessment Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights criteria Procurement Practices
Anti-corruption Number of confirmed incidents of improper behavior Compliance
Compliance with anti-monopoly legislation Number of incidents in relation to relevant legislation Compliance
Compliance Number of non-compliance instances relating to social issues Compliance
Supplier assessment for impact on society Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using social impact criteria Procurement Practices
Customer health and safety Number of non-compliance of own safety standards Product Liability
Customer privacy Number of complaints relating to information security Risk Management
Compliance Number of non-compliance relating to products/services Product Liability

Looking Ahead to the Future

We started specific activities in fiscal 2016 for the materiality, KPI items and targets designated in the framework recommended in The GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines 4th Edition from fiscal 2015.

We will further our activities to achieve our targets by continuing the PDCA cycle based on these guidelines in fiscal 2017.