SDG Initiatives SDG Initiatives


Advantest will contribute to a sustainable future while bringing safety, security and comfort to society via state-of-the-art measurement technology to live up to societal expectations under the corporate mission of "Enabling the Leading Edge Technology."

A wide range of social issues are highlighted today from overpopulation and an aging society to energy, water and food shortages in addition to climate change. A digital revolution is underway to use technology to solve these social issues.
The foundation for this digital revolution is big data. Today, all things around us are becoming digitalized, which will broaden and deepen the data network connecting a variety of sites in our daily lives to industry.
The data that is generated brings a wealth of social value and satisfies a primary role. Semiconductors that handle this data have the ability to become social infrastructure and demand high reliability so that these semiconductors can be used in data centers, motor vehicles, the human body and more.

Semiconductors are becoming even more and more important for solutions to social issues.
Advantest will contribute to solving a variety of social issues and the sustainable growth of society through semiconductor tests.

We believe these efforts help move us toward achieving the 17 goals outlined in the SDGs advocated by the United Nations.

Advantest will actively contribute to achieving the SDGs through the specific initiatives below.

Advantest SDGs Initiatives

Relationship with Materiality

SDGs Targets Materiality Aspect KPI Measures implemented
Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people
Hazardous substances Percentage of used parts covered by hazardous substance survey Initiatives with Business Partners
Goal 5: Gender equality
Employment Re-employment rate following maternity and parental leave Employment and Diversity
Diversity and equal opportunity Ratio of female employees Employment and Diversity
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Economic performance Sales, income margin, return on equity ratio of net income attributed to the parent (ROE), and basic net earnings per share (EPS) Economic Impact
Employment Re-employment rate following maternity and parental leave Employment and Diversity
Training and education Average number of hours of training per employee per year Human Resources Development, Fair Evaluation and Treatment
Occupational health and safety Occurrence rate of occupational accidents (frequency) Occupational Health and Safety
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Training and education Average number of hours of training per employee per year Human Resources Development, Fair Evaluation and Treatment
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Diversity and equal opportunity Ratio of female employees Employment and Diversity
Non-discrimination Number of complaints submitted to the helpline that are properly resolved Compliance
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Discharged water and waste Waste recycling rate Recycling Resources
Hazardous substances Percentage of used parts covered by hazardous substance survey Initiatives with Business Partners
Goal 13: Climate action
Energy Rate of improvement in per-unit energy consumption Mitigation of Climate Change (Global Warming Prevention)
Emissions into the atmosphere Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) Mitigation of Climate Change (Global Warming Prevention)
Products and services Percentage of products meeting the company's own green products criteria Green Products
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Anti-corruption Number of confirmed incidents of improper behavior Compliance