Environmental Management Environmental Management


Basic Policy

Through its business activities, the Advantest Group contributes to the sustainable development of society.
We also strive for environmental protections such as measures against climate change and conservation of biodiversity as well as use renewable resources such as energy and water resources to actively endeavor in the environmental conservation activities below together with all our employees as an enterprise that deserves society's trust.


Advantest Group Environmental Policy

  1. Promoting Environmental Management
    By maintaining our environmental management system, we promote global environmental conservation efforts that achieve environmental targets set for both our business activities and environmental concerns.
  2. Reduction of Customers' Environmental Burden
    We promote energy conservation, improved recyclability, and the elimination of hazardous substances to provide environmentally-friendly products and services that contribute to our customers' reduction of their environmental burdens, giving consideration to the life cycle of our products: from materials procurement to waste disposal.
  3. Better Workplace Procedures
    We reform work procedures to continually improve our environmental performance by creating environmentally friendly products.
  4. Environmental protection and sustainable use of resources
    By being alert to the environmental impact of our business activities, we strive to protect the environment from measures against climate change to the conservation of biodiversity, as well as sustainable use of resources such as energy and water.
  5. Complying with Environmental Laws and Regulations and Preventing Pollution
    Upholding all environmental laws and regulations and voluntary standards, we protect nature and shield our neighbors from environmental pollution and health hazards caused by chemical substances, waste and other contaminates.

Updated April 1, 2017

Framework to Promote Environmental Management

The Advantest Group is building a framework to better promote our global environmental initiatives.

Framework to promote environmental management
Framework to promote environmental management

Acquisition of ISO14001 Certification

The Advantest Group has acquired integrated ISO14001 certification for its offices, as well as its research, development, and production facilities in Japan. In addition, the Group has acquired ISO14001 certification for its environmental management system, which is based on relevant laws and regulations in each country where it operates. Under the uniform standards provided by ISO14001, we are promoting initiatives to reduce energy use, hold down waste generation, develop and provide environmentally friendly products (green products), and reduce the environmental impact of our business activities.

We have been promoting measures to facilitate the transition to ISO14001:2015 at all business locations since fiscal 2015 and have begun operation of the 2015 version as of April 2017. We plan to complete this transition by 2018.

Acquisition of ISO14001 certification

As of March 31, 2017

Company (Base) First acquisition of ISO14001 certification
(Including business affiliates)
Aug. 2000 (Integrated certification)
  Head Office (Nov. 2009)
Advantest Laboratories Ltd./Sendai Factory (Feb. 2000)
Gunma R&D Center (Apr. 2002)
Saitama R&D Center (Oct. 2003)
Kitakyushu R&D Center (Mar. 2003)
Gunma Factory (Apr. 1998)
Advantest America, Inc. Oct. 2008
  San Jose, U.S.A.  
Advantest Europe GmbH Apr.2008
  Munich, Germany  
Amerang, Germany  
Boeblingen, Germany  
Advantest (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. June 2008
Advantest (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Penang - Malaysia) Sept. 2008
Advantest Korea Co., Ltd. July 2008
Advantest Taiwan Inc. Dec. 2006
Advantest (China) Co., Ltd.
(Certification includes following subsidiaries)
May 2008
  Advantest (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.  
Advantest Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.  
Bureau Veritas certification (copy)

Bureau Veritas certification (copy)

Advantest Corporation ISO14001 certifications scope             As of December 2016

Applicable standards ISO14001: 2004
Certificate No. 3640963
Scope of certification Research, development, design, manufacture and services (repair) of semiconductor and component test systems, mechatronics systems
Certification body Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS
Original cycle start date December 8, 2000
(Acquisition of ISO14001:1996 certification at the Gunma Factory on April 21, 1998)
Date of integrated certification Integrated as Advantest Group as of December 8, 2000.
Applicable business locations Gunma RR&D Center, Head Office, Saitama RR&D Center, Gunma Factory, Kitakyushu RR&D Center, Advantest Laboratories R& Sendai Factory
(Including each business affiliate)

Implementation of Internal Environmental Audits

At Advantest Group we have always implemented regular internal environmental audits on environmental burden reduction activities at each business location in order to confirm internal and external compliance with the operation of the environmental management system (EMS). The regular internal environmental audit that we implemented in fiscal 2016 found no serious defects in regard to the implementation of the EMS. The number of issues increased compared to the previous year and corrective actions have been taken for all of the items. In the future we will continue to make ongoing efforts to improve our environmental management system, and will focus on improving our environmental performance.

Basic Policy on Environmental Education

In order to promote environmental protection, each and every employee needs to always feel that the environment is a problem close to their heart, be thinking about what they can and should do both at work and in the home, and transform these ideas into action. Based on this policy, Advantest is implementing environmental education aimed at developing awareness of the environment and the ability to think and take action appropriately.

Overview of Environmental Education Program
  • Training for new employees
  • Education for internal environmental auditors
  • Education on chemical substances
  • Seeking proposals on environmental VE
  • Activities to protect forests
Implementation of general environmental education in fiscal 2016
  Target employees Number of participants Participation ratio (%)
Japan 2,616 2,616 100
Overseas 2,066 2,047 99.1
Overall 4,682 4,663 99.6
Introduction of e-learning

e-learning system screenshot

At Advantest, we have introduced an e-learning education system. We have been able to create a system that is both time- and location-independent, allows repetition of learning, and enables more efficient management of e-learning status and results.
In fiscal 2016's ISO14001 general training, we implemented e-learning both in Japan and overseas.