Advantest is supported by various different stakeholders, including customers, its employees, and the local communities in the vicinity of its business locations, etc. Advantest bears social responsibility towards all of these stakeholders. This section presents management activities based on identified materiality aspects relating to the concept of society.
We are actively taking steps to promote global human resource exchange; we actively hire foreign graduates, promote hiring of women and increase the share of female managers through promotion, and promote education planning focused on young and mid-career employees. We aim to be a company that can effectively utilize diverse human resources.
Supporting Diverse Working Styles
We create a work environment that facilitates the achievement of a good work-life balance in order to support our employees’ diverse lifestyles and individual development.
Human Resources Development, Fair Evaluation and Treatment
As a Global company, we develop professional employees with global-level skills. In addition, we actively support employees who diligently strive to undertake self-directed study.
Occupational Health and Safety
In all our activities we recognize that Health and Safety is one of the most important aspects of our business operations, and we implement a range of health and safety activities.
Respecting and Protecting Human Rights
Respecting employees as a valuable resource, we have adopted a “Human Resources Basic Philosophy” to increase value for both employees and the company, and we aim to grow as a company together with our employees.
We are fully aware of our responsibilities as a member of civil society, and we work to make a positive contribution, not only through compliance with relevant laws and regulations, but also through communication with local communities, etc.
We constantly aim for improvement in customer satisfaction in various areas such as design, manufacturing, sales and service, and we will continue to provide quality assurance, service and support globally, taking into account the customer’s perspective.