웹 내용 전시 웹 내용 전시


Course type Instructor led Lecture and Labs
Price $500 per class-day The use of Training Credits will require validation by your Advantest Sales contact
  • Having completed the V93000 SmarTest 7 Digital User Training course. Equivalent V93000 experience is acceptable.

  • Some DC and Analog test exposure.

  • RDI (Rapid Development Interface) is highly recommended.

  • Knowledge of SmartRDI would be helpful.

Target Audience  
Expected Outcome

This training will teach the student how to use the V93000 ATE (SmartScale system) to test DC and Analog parameters using the AVI64 and FVI16. The test methods used will be based on our SmartRDI API toolset which is a more efficient coding style for users.

Note: This course has laboratory learning using an online V93000 to develop and test a real device.

Each student will use a workstation online and offline and learn how to create DC and Analog tests with the AVI64 and FVI16 hardware.

Class Duration

5-days, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Learning Contents
  • General overview and information about Power Training

  • AVI64 general information

  • Detailed explanation of the PMU portion of the AVI64

  • Detailed explanation of the shared resources of the AVI64

  • Detailed explanation of the Digital and TMU resources of the AVI64.

  • FVI16 general information

  • Detailed explanation of the FVI16 resources

  • Detailed explanation of the TMU resource of the FVI16