Environmental Communication / Environmental Contribution Activities Environmental Communication / Environmental Contribution Activities


Approach to Materiality in Environmental Compliance

Supervising division CSR & Environmental Affairs Promotion Office
KPI Environmental compliance violations
FY2019 target To work to prevent grave legal violations related to the environment before they happen (Grave legal violations related to the environment: 0)
Results Achieved in Fiscal 2019 0
Material reasons Our business activities have a range of impacts on the environment. In order for us to achieve responsible, continuous development, it is important that we share environmental information with stakeholders and reflect this in our environmental management.
Boundary Advantest Group (Japan and overseas)
Relevant policies Advantest Group Environmental Policy
Commitments Adherence to environmental laws and ordinances as well as prevention of contamination
Responsibility Environmental Management Officer
Management resources  
Complaint processing policy Corporate Ethics Helpline, dedicated contact window
Assessment Good
Compliance with laws and regulations are confirmed monthly with the ISO 14001 legal requirement compliance status evaluation sheet.
In the event of a violation, corrective measures will be taken according to ISO 14001 regulations.

Basic Policy on Environmental Information Disclosure

Our business activities have a range of impacts on the environment such as global warming.
In order for us to achieve responsible, continuous development, it is important that we share environmental information with stakeholders and reflect this in our environmental management.
At Advantest Group, we disclose information about our environmental burden and activities through reports, our website, exhibitions, etc.
We are also working to foster communication with local communities, for example by conducting environmental contribution activities.

Environmental complaints
  FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019
Complaints from stakeholders 0 0 0 0 0
Serious violations of environmental laws 0 0 0 0 0

* Japan only until FY2015. Includes overseas from FY2016.

Environmental Information Disclosure Results

Environmental Contribution Activities

We endeavor to foster communication with a variety of stakeholders through environmental contribution activities.