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Course type Instructor led Lecture and Labs
Price $500 per class-day The use of Training Credits will require validation by your Advantest Sales contact
  • For people with basic SoC testing knowledge (e.g. basics of functional testing, know what is a DC and AC test.
  • Basic Linux or Unix knowledge.
Target Audience
This V93000 Product Engineering Training course is for Product Engineers who wish to learn the basic structure of a test program, the SmarTest environment, characterization tools, production environment tools and some digital/analog debug. This is not a programming class. Standard SmarTest test methods will be discussed, but none of the actual APIs or the C++ environment they are used in will be covered.
Expected Outcome
This training will teach the student how to navigate through the V93000 ATE SmarTest environment, open, interpret and edit the necessary setup files for test suites in a test flow, identify, modify and execute characterization test suites, use Product Engineering tools (i.e. Shmoo, Pin Margin, Integrated Results Tool) for results analysis, and how to utilize our in production environment tools (i.e. Test Cell Control Tool, TP360).
This course has laboratory learning using an online V93000 to analyze and test a real device.
Class Duration 3-days, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Topic Summary
  1. Introduction to the V93000 and its associated Hardware
  2. Details of the SmarTest Environment, setup files, test suites and test flows
  3. Introduction to Standard Test Methods and how they operate
  4. Using the HW Perspective, and simple digital debugging techniques
  5. Setting up datalogging, and using the Result Analysis tool
  6. Examination and execution of Characterization Test Methods
  7. Running the Shmoo, Pin Margin and Spec Tools
  8. Setting up and running the TCCT and TP360 production tools