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The Advantest Group's Guidelines of Action for Biodiversity

To show our gratitude for the gift of nature that is endowed by biodiversity, and to recognize the significance of biodiversity in underpinning the prosperity and the wellness of our society, the Advantest Group will carry out initiatives in conserving biodiversity and in contributing to the sustainable use of biological resources.

  1. Understanding Environmental Impact
    We identify, evaluate and share information on any aspects that may have a significant impact on biodiversity in the entire lifecycle of our business activities.
  2. Understanding Biodiversity
    We increase awareness and understanding of biodiversity among all employees so that they are able to engage in activities that give consideration to biodiversity in their business activities and daily lives.
  3. Reduction of Environmental Impact
    By seeking highly effective measures, and by carrying them out continuously, we reduce the impact of our business activities on biodiversity.
  4. Cooperation with Stakeholders
    We cooperate with a variety of stakeholders such as the government, educational organizations, NPOs, local residents and our business partners to promote activities related to the conservation of biodiversity.



Reflecting our commitment to living in harmony with nature, in 2001 Advantest established a biotope eco-park in Gunma R&D Center, with the aim of helping to recreate the original, natural landscape of the Kanto Plain, a landscape that is being lost to development; this biotope is the largest of its kind established by any private-sector company in Japan.

Advantest’s biotope provides a venue in which Advantest employees can learn about the importance of protecting the global environment; the biotope is also used as a means of fostering communication with local residents.

∗ Biotope: “Biotope” is an English loanword deriving from the German word “biotope” (life) and “topos” (place).。

Hold Nature Observation Events in the Biotope


Since 2005, Advantest has been holding nature observation events for elementary schools located near its sites, using the biotope as a venue for communicating with surrounding communities. Participants in these events learn what kinds of plants and animals live in the biotope by conducting a search. They also fish for crayfish to reduce the number of introduced species such as American crayfish, which encourages them to consider the importance of biodiversity. Every year, about 150 children and teachers/guardians from three neighboring schools take part in our nature observation event. We plan to continue this activity, making it a centerpiece of cooperation with the community.

Conservation Activity to Protect Japanese Red Pine Trees at the Advantest Laboratories



Within the grounds of the Advantest Laboratories Ltd. facility (in Sendai City, Japan), there are approximately 80 naturally-growing Japanese red pine trees, which are about 100 years old and grow to a height of around 30 meters. This Japanese red pine grove was designated a Protected Forest by Sendai City Government in 2007. To help ensure the maintenance of a rich natural environment, Advantest is working to conserve these Japanese red pine trees and the creatures that live in and around them.

“Kusatsu Therapy Forest” Forest Conservation Activity



Every year since 2007, Advantest has been implementing the “Kusatsu Therapy Forest” State-owned Forest Conservation Activity in Gunma Prefecture. Besides providing an opportunity to strengthen Advantest employees’ awareness of the importance of environmental activities, this activity also contributes to preventing forests from becoming degraded, conserving water resources, and enhancing forests’ ability to sequester carbon dioxide.

Tropical Rainforest Conservation Activity in Malaysia (Borneo)



To mark the 50th anniversary of the company’s founding, in 2005 – 2008 Advantest implemented a Dipterocarp hardwood tree reforestation activity aimed at helping to regenerate tropical rain forest. Since 2009, Advantest has continued to assist with maintenance management, including surveys of plant growth status, undergrowth control, etc. in collaboration with the Sabah Forestry Development Authority (SAFODA) of Sabah State (Malaysia).