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Our Stance to Corporate Governance

We aim to increase operational transparency, achieve sustainable growth and increase our corporate value in line with the basic principles of management set out in The ADVANTEST Way and Code of Conduct, a set of rules and standards of behavior that all executives and employees must observe. We clearly separate decision making and supervising functions from executive functions, enhancing management efficiency and transparency.

Advantest Corporate Governance Policy

Management Structure

The global business environment is changing more rapidly than ever before. To continuously increase our corporate value and competitiveness in today’s world, we emphasize swift decision-making and execution. We also place an emphasis on sound, highly transparent business operations in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. In order to meet these challenges, we draw clear lines of authority within our organization and set responsibilities in accordance with each management function, assigning each role to the best person for the job.

In line with the revised Companies Act, as from May 1, 2015, Advantest further strengthened its corporate governance and Board of Directors’ audit function under the institution of the newly introduced a company with an audit & supervisory committee, and with the aim of further increasing our company value, from June 24, 2015 we formally transformed into a Company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee. As an organization, we have a Board of Directors, an Audit & Supervisory Committee and an Accounting Auditor. Furthermore we have established a structure that can quickly respond to the rapidly changing business environment, and in order to strengthen our corporate governance, starting from 2003 we introduced an executive officer system.

Corporate governance structure

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, as a management decision-making body, makes decisions on the basic policy for the management of the entire group, as well as decisions on important matters such as management strategy, and, in order to ensure quick and efficient business operations, monitors and supervises whether executive committees that have had authority delegated to them are operating appropriately. In a Company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee, the term of the Non- Audit & Supervisory Committee Member is one year, and the term of the Audit & Supervisory Committee Member is two years. The Board of Directors (including members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee ) is made up of five in-house Directors and four outside Directors, making nine people in total*. Information regarding the background of directors, the reasons for their selection, etc., is given in the director appointment proposals section of the Notification of Convening of Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors and in the company’s business report.

In 2005, Advantest established a Nomination and Compensation Committee as a discretionary institution. The Nomination and Compensation Committee, in consultation with the Board of Directors, discusses matters relating to nomination and compensation of Directors, and makes proposals to the Board of Directors.

∗ The number of people given is correct as of June 28, 2016

Executive Officer System

Advantest has introduced an Executive Officer system that keeps decision-making functions separate from executive functions, in order to boost management efficiency.

Executive Officers are selected by the Board of Directors as senior management dedicated to the execution of operations. They have the responsibility for swiftly and efficiently implementing management policies and strategies determined by the Board of Directors. The term of each Executive Officer is limited to one year, so as to achieve more explicit accountability.

There are a total of 24 Executive Officers*, some of whom are based in Japan while others are assigned to locations in North America, Europe, and Asia to enhance integration of the company's global operations.

∗ The number of people given is correct as of June28, 2016

Executive Compensation

With regard to decisions relating to the compensation of members of the Board of Directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee) and executive officers, following consultation with the Board, the Nomination and Compensation Committee implements review, and then submits a proposal to the Board. The Board then reviews the proposal submitted by the Committee, and makes a final decision regarding compensation. The compensation of directors who are members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee is determined following consultation with those directors who are members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee.

Executive compensation for fiscal 2015 is as follows.

Classification Number of persons receiving compensation Compensation amount
Directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee) 8 persons 305 million yen
Directors who are members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee 3 persons 48 million yen
Corporate Auditors 4 persons 20 million yen
Total 12 persons 373 million yen
  1. The amount of compensation includes the fixed payment for one Director who retired on June 24, 2015.
  2. On June 24, 2015, Advantest formally became a company with an audit & supervisory committee. The data given above cover the period prior to this transition when the company was paying compensation to four Corporate Auditors, and the period after the transition when it was paying compensation to three Directors serving on the Audit & Supervisory Committee Member.
  3. Of the above-mentioned compensation, for the three outside Directors (excluding Directors serving on the Audit & Supervisory Committee), two outside Directors (serving on the Audit & Supervisory Committee), and two outside Auditors, the amount of compensation was 37 million yen.

Internal Controls

Advantest has set up and maintains internal control systems that correspond to the requirements of the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. In order to manage the group with an emphasis on performance evaluation based on the consolidated balance sheet, these systems are built as a unified system that includes both Advantest and its affiliates.
Also, Advantest has established an Internal Control Committee with related Directors as members, and we operate the internal control systems in a unified manner on the basis of the policies set by the Committee.

Auditing System

Audit & Supervisory Committee

In accordance with the auditing policy formulated by the Audit & Supervisory Committee, the Committee members attend meetings of the Board of Directors and other important meetings; undertake surveys of the state of business operations and of the company’s assets, and audit the carrying out of their duties by directors, executive officers and other executive organs within the company. The Audit & Supervisory Committee has three members (including one standing member): one inside director, and two outside directors.* Those directors who serve as members of the Committee are appointed by the Shareholders Meeting separately from other directors who are not members of the Committee.
To facilitate the implementation of appropriate, effective auditing, the Audit & Supervisory Committee may request information from the Auditing Group and from the external auditors, and there are opportunities for the exchange of views with the Auditing Group and the external auditors.

∗ The number of persons is correct as of June28, 2016

Accounting Auditors

Accounting Auditors perform accounting audits of the consolidated financial statements, accounting documents etc., and produce an audit report. Advantest has appointed an auditing firm as independent auditor, and receives a set audit.

Internal Auditing

Advantest has established an internal auditing team that comprises the Auditing Group and the Singapore auditing team. To verify whether the company’s day-to-day operations are carried out appropriately and efficiently in accordance with the requirements of relevant domestic and overseas laws and ordinances, and whether operations are performed efficiently, the internal auditing team implements operational auditing, compliance auditing and internal controls auditing. Besides evaluating the efficacy of the internal controls system, when necessary the internal auditing team also provides support to assist in the making of improvements at individual business locations. The internal auditing team hold appropriate qualifications (such as Certified Public Accountant, Certified Internal Auditor, or Qualified Internal Auditor), and all team members are committed to enhancing auditing quality.