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Basic Stance

Contributing to the sustainable development of society and conducting environmentally-friendly business operations are essential issues that need to be addressed in modern business management. The Advantest Group works to develop products from the perspective of environmental conservation while prioritizing high precision and high quality, and certifies as green products those products that are environmentally-friendly in terms of the three key aspects of energy and resource saving, improving recyclability, and elimination of hazardous substances. There is demand in society for the supply of green products because they provide both a reduction in the environmental footprint and an improvement in economic value. The Advantest Group is developing green products in response to these demands and based on the belief that these products will be beneficial for its customers.

Development Flow of Green Products

At the Advantest Group, all new products undergo a product environmental assessment.

During the product environmental assessment, products are assessed from various aspects, including energy-saving, reducing components, size reduction, recyclable design, and elimination of hazardous substances. Products that meet the Voluntary Standards for Green Products defined by Advantest are certified as green products and are awarded with an Eco Label (type II).

Development flow of green products

Advantest Group Eco Label

The Advantest Group Eco Label features an original three-color design representing energy and resource saving, recyclable design, and elimination of hazardous substances through green procurement.

Energy and Resource Saving

Voluntary Standards

  • Energy saving design
  • Reducing component design
  • Size reduction design

Recyclable Design

Voluntary Standards

  • Design with recyclable plastic materials
  • Design for ease of disassembly
  • Release of information on disposal
img_csr_green products_01

Elimination of hazardous substances
(Green Procurement)

Voluntary Standards

  • Improved rates of green procurement
  • Elimination of banned substances

Energy and Resource Saving

We aim to reduce the environmental impact of our products through product designs with energy savings, reducing components, and size reduction .

Recyclable Design

In recyclable design, we release information on parts that will require special attention during disposal, and we seek to use recyclable materials for plastic parts designed in-house. Moreover, we make sure that products are easy to dismantle with standard tools, and we use rechargeable batteries displaying a recycling symbol.

Elimination of Hazardous Substances (Green Procurement)

To eliminate hazardous substances from our products, we have established Group standards on banned substances based on the IEC 62474 standard, and we conduct surveys of hazardous substances contained in parts and materials used in our products.

Green Products Certified during fiscal 2015

We supplied the following products, which were certified as green products in fiscal 2015.

  • T5833 Memory Test System
  • T5833ES Memory Test System
  • T5830ES Memory Test System
  • EVA100 Digital Solution Measurement System
  • HA1000 Die-level Handler
  • R4751A FL Module
  • R4763A RF Module
  • WEL5100 Photo-acoustic Microscope
Reduction rates of fiscal 2015 green products - Examples
New Product
Versus previous
Energy efficiency
improvement (%)
Reduction in
components rate (%)
Reduction in
size rate (%)
T5833 T5385 67 73 64
T5830ES T5385ES 73 83 81

Note: The reduction rates given above are the values resulting from the performance conversion.

Introducing One of Advantest’s Green Products

T5833 Memory Test System


T5833 Memory Test System

DRAM, NAND flash memory and multi-chip package (MCP) devices, which support high speed and high capacity, are widely used in mobile products, the diffusion of which is expected to continue to grow in the future. Advantest’s T5833 is a multi-function memory test system which can be used for both wafer testing and package testing of these kinds of high-speed, high-capacity devices.

The T5833 can be used for simultaneous testing of up to 2,048 devices in wafer testing, and up to 512 devices in package testing, thereby contributing to reduced testing costs. The T5833 uses flexible CPU architecture control, which facilitates optimization of the device testing process when dealing with multiple CPUs, making a significant contribution towards reducing the time required for testing and enhancing throughput. Providing industry-leading performance and low cost of test (COT), the T5833 helps customers to maximize the return on their investment.

By comparison with its predecessor the T5385, the T5833 provides a defect analysis speed that is approximately twice as fast, electric power consumption (compared to performance) that is 67% better, and a 64% reduction in size. The T5833 test module supports Advantest’s AS platform shared architecture, making it possible to upgrade the product when necessary; in this way, the T5833 can continue to provide a solution to customers’ needs as those needs expand in the future.