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This sample software is a copyrighted work of Advantest, and Advantest is and shall remain the sole owner of the sample software and all related intellectual property rights. Please read this notice in its entirety before downloading the sample software. Please strictly observe the precautions included in this notice and described in the instruction manual for the sample software where provided.


The sample software is for use with the measuring instruments above on the Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32bit or 64bit OS) platforms. For your reference, the sample software available may include a basic instruction manual (English versions may not be available for all sample software).

Advantest is offering the sample software in the format of the following.

  1. Installer
    It is possible to use it at once by installing software in the PC.
    Please execute un-installation from "Deletion of the program" in the PC.
  2. Source Code
    Please use it with Visual Basic (6) for development. There is sample software without the source code either.
  3. Manual
    This is an operation explanation. However, it doesn't explain the source code.


attention1 Caution
Advantest is not responsible for any data that is lost during use of this software. Back up your data regularly to prevent the risk of data loss in the case of computer malfunctions.
attention2 Strictly Observe
Never power off the system or remove the disk while USB, CD-ROM, or other access lamps are on. Failure to follow this instruction may cause computer failure or data loss.

* Windows, Visual Basic and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

* National Instruments, NI and LabVIEW is trademarks of National Instruments.

* ASCII is a trademark of ASCII media works.

* Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.


  1. Advantest provides this sample software "as is" without warranty of any kind and Advantest's liability for this software is limited to the fullest extent permitted under the law. This software is subject to change without notice.
  2. Advantest will not accept customer requests for correction, improvement, or additional functions to the sample software. Advantest will not provide any support or respond to any inquiries relating to the sample software.
  3. You may use the sample software solely for your own business operations and solely with Advantest products that you own within the recommend operation environments. You may not allow any third party to use this software.
  4. Advantest assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any direct, indirect, or particular damages (including cases in which Advantest has or could have foreseen an occurrence of damages or a possibility of damages has been noticed) and damages arisen from your lost earnings or a third party's claim for damages against you, resulting from the use or failure of this software.
  5. Advantest assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any and all negative effects resulting from any use other than that described in this document or in the manuals of any other products.
  6. Advantest hereby declaims all warranties with respect to the sample software, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, accuracy, and non-infringements of a third party's rights. In no event will Advantest be liable for any damages or losses of any kind arising out of the use of the sample software.