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Third-Party Assurance

To further strengthen the reliability of our social and environmental performance indicators (human resource, labor and environmental data)*, the integrity of our data has been assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. since FY2018.

*Figures subject to such third-party assurance are marked with the symbol.

Advantest Sustainability Data Book 2020 Independent Assurance Report

Target Indicators

Environmental performance indicators

  • Energy consumption (total in GJ)
  • Green purchasing of electricity
  • CO2 emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 [Categories 1 and 11])
  • PFC and SF6 emissions
  • PRTR chemical release/transfer
  • VOC atmospheric emissions
  • Waste output
  • Recycling rate
  • Final waste disposal amount
  • Water usage/discharged water
  • Ultrapure water usage

Social performance indicators

  • Number of managers by region
  • Proportion of female employees in management roles
  • Number of turnover employees
  • Employment rate of people with disabilities
  • Average overtime hours worked per person
  • Paid leave taken
  • Total lesson time (hours)
  • Occupational accident rate in Japan (frequency rate)