
Evolutionary Value Added Measurement System


In recent years the number of smart devices we use has increased significantly. The role of the analog / sensor IC has become critically important not only in the smart society but also in other fields. More than ever, higher performance, tighter accuracy and longer reliability are required for those devices. To address these challenges measurement systems need to have many features while maintaining a very low test cost and engineers tasked with developing test programs require very good coding skills plus in-depth operation knowledge of the test system.

The new highly integrated measurement system "EVA100" is supporting Power Supplies, SMU( 4 quadrant DC Signal Measurement Units ), Pattern Generators, Arbitrary Waveform Generators, Digitizers and Oscilloscopes necessary for complete analog / mixed-signal / sensor / digital IC devices and Modules including Electronic Control Unit (ECU) for automotive evaluation and measurement.This new measurement system allows engineers quickly to build their own measurement environment without combining several standalone instruments.

The EVA100 Software GUI is extremely intuitive, requiring only drag & drop operation, enabling engineers to create device focused measurement set ups in a very fast and simple manner. Automatic report functions dramatically improve the efficiency of deskwork, providing clear documentation and data ready for publishing in device data sheets.

Frequently Asked Questions


General Questions for EVA100


General Questions for EVA100

How can I get a user account?

You can register your account as follows.

Click "Register" on the top of Advantest web page and go to registration page.
Fill in necessary information and click "Register".
Confirmation e-mail will be sent to the registered e-mail address. Click on "Confirm E-Mail".

What's the EVA100?

EVA100 (E-Model) is the system for engineering usage. E-Model connects to a laptop PC and customer projects like evaluation/characterization/debugging of analog, mixed signal ICs or modules are easily completed.

What are the benefits of EVA100?

Compact, Automation and Repeatability, Short Development Time, Easy and Intuitive Software

  • integrates VI Source, Waveform Capture functions and Device Control function into a single compact frame.
  • Measurements and evaluations can be made with intuitive operations without the need for programming language.
    The Generate Report function can dramatically increase the efficiency of tasks like data tables and figures.
  • The expandable architecture and software environment can be applied to all kinds of processes from design and evaluation to mass production and product selection. A customized, evaluation environment can be achieved by connecting EVA100 to external measurement instruments through GPIB I/F.

Do I need to prepare any peripherals for the EVA100?

E-Model: customers will need to prepare PC, PCIe adapter and cables.
P-Model: customers does not need to prepare any peripherals except optional parts.

I would like to try EVA100. Is there any demo system available?

Yes, we can do the online demonstration and a free trial on a demo system is available.
Please contact us for more details.

Is there a system for Production model?

We have P-Model for Production.
The P-Model docks to an automatic handling system (a handler or prober) using TTL/GP-IB for testing the devices in a factory.

Can I use EVA100 for mass production?

The P-Model is the mass production model of the EVA100 system. After evaluating devices with the E-Model, customers can immediately start production with the P-Model. Total development time (from design to production) can be shortened dramatically.

What's the difference between E-Model and P-Model?

Maximum Number of SBs (Shoe Box) is increased to support multiple DUTS plus SEMI Safety standard are implemented on P-Model.

Is there any training class?

We have no pre-planned training course, however we can offer you training class at your request.

We would like to ask for the application development, Is there any company we can ask?

Please contact us, we are willing to introduce you our partnership company.


What is the recommended PC Specification?

Here is the required PC specification for E-Model (engineering).

CPU: >2.2GHz, 4core
Memory: > 8GB
HDD/SSD: > 128GB
Display resolution: > 1366×768
I/O: ExpressCard×1 (mandatory I/F)
USB2.0×2, Ethernet×1

Can we use a desktop PC for E-Model?

Yes, PCIe Host adapter "PCIe-8361" is required for PCI slot.

What kind of configuration are available?

There are several configurations each optimized for different applications or products.
Please contact us for more details.

How noisy is the fan?

The noise level is less than 60dB.

Are there any accessories?

Yes, we have several accessories for high accuracy measurements and also connection kit for easy access to the evaluation board. Please contact us for more details.

What kind of power supply is needed?

Single-phase AC power supply. Input range is 100V~240V, 50/60 Hz. The system supports automatic switching between 100 VAC and 220 VAC systems.
Single-phase AC 200V power supply. Input range is 200V~240V, 50/60 Hz.

How often do I need system calibration?

The accuracy of internal standards is guaranteed for one year after calibration.
In order to maintain the system accuracy, we recommend that the internal standards be calibrated every year.

Can the system operate modules in synchronization?

With the Hardware Sync function, customers can operate modules synchronously.
Please refer to the EVA100_GUI_Reference_Manual for details.

When should the AVI Stack Mode be used?

The AVI's VS (Voltage Source) mode enables voltage-added output by connecting voltages of multiple channels in series. This mode can be used when the applied voltage is not enough with single channel. For example, this mode is suitable for evaluating and producing multicell battery monitoring ICs.

What is the pulse generation width of the MVI Module?

The pulse generation width of the MVI module is limited by current usage.
For more details, refer to performance specifications.

How do you use Control Bits?

Control Bits have 64 bits and can be used to control relays etc. on a PB. For the control method, please refer to the EVA100_GUI_Reference_Manual. The PB Design Guide explains how to connect control bits.

Can the EVA100 be used for direct control of a 12V relay?

Since the resistance of the control bits is only 5V, it does not allow direct control of a 12V relay.
Please use the relay drive power supply (12V / 1A) on the PB.

Can the LF Module be used as a single end?

Yes, in between Posi-PosiGnd and Nega-NegaGnd.
Please refer to the PB Design Guide for recommended circuits.

What are the specifications of the SB&C for the LF Module?

Please see the Standard Board and Circuit column in the Downloads section of the Advantest's website EVA100 product page.

What is the DM Module's low jitter pin 1-5-9-13-17-21-25-29 used for?

These pins have less jitter compared to other pins. Please use it according to the required performance.
For more details, refer to performance specifications.

Can we use some instruments with EVA100?

Yes, it is possible.
The instruments need to have GPIB, USB or LAN interfaces.

How does EVA100 connect with external Instruments?

In case of GPIB, we use NI GPIB-USB Controller to connect between control PC and external instruments.
The instruments are controlled through EVA100 Software.
If external instruments support USB interface, User can control it by User Function.


Do you support Windows10?

Yes. Microsoft Windows10 Pro (64bit) is supported after Measurement Atelier R1.50.

How to get the Windows OS?

P-Model includes the EWS with preinstalled Windows OS.
E-Model needs the preparation for PC which installed Windows 10 Pro(64bit).

Do I need to buy the software in addition?

No. Software is included in the system.
What are prerequisites for the laptop computer?
Windows 10 Pro(64bit) and Java Development Kit 64bit Version 8 are required.

Which version of Java does the system require?

Less than R1.20: JDK (Java Development Kit) 7. R1.20 and above: JDK 8.

What programming language is used for test program?

A programming language is not mandatory for the Test Sequence development, it can be easily built by deploying several event icons on the GUI.

Do project files created with different Measurement Atelier revisions work?

Project files created with the old revision Measurement Atelier can be used with the new revision Measurement Atelier, but not the other way round.

Can I load a project file from batch files?

Yes, with ateliercmd. For details, refer to "Loading Project File (-load)" in the GUI Reference Manual.

How can I change module configurations in Atelier Editor?

Edit "% USERPROFILE%\MeasurementAtelier\SystemConfig\SystemConfig.csv".
For details, refer to "Setting the system configuration" in the GUI Reference Manual.

Can I do the Go/No-Go test?

Yes, You can set limit values for each measurement, if the measured value is out of range or not.

How to add my own calculation?

You use the FUNC(user function) or SET VARIABLE on the sequence.
Please refer to “SET VARIABLE” of the EVA100 GUI reference manual for the details of the SET VARIABLE event.
Please refer to “EVA100 user function design guide” for user function.
For example, we recommend that you have the function the operation of array variables, the operation of analog properties (i.e. THD, SNR, EFFI etc.)

How to save the measurement result?

Judged values are displayed in the console window and you can save them as a test file. In addition, measurement results and details of test sequence (conditions, sequence) and system information can be stored as a report file.

How can I set a loop inside a sequence?

Please refer to "Setting the loop" in the GUI Reference Manual.

Is there a Measurement Atelier that does not require an actual system?

The "EVA 100 Atelier Editor" can be used without actual equipment. Please purchase separately.

How can I make a user function?

Please refer to "Creating User Function" in the EVA100 User Function Design Guide.

Is there any sample code of Java?

Yes, Click here for Java code reference. (Login required)

Can we call the external DLL?

Yes. Refer to "Calling DLL" in the EVA 100 User Function Design Guide.

How do I access external files with user functions?

Please refer to "File output" in the EVA 100 User Function Design Guide.

Where are the source files for user functions?

For those functions that are published, they can be downloaded from the Advantest website.

What kind of information can DM capture?

It can capture pass / fail, fail count, etc. for each cycle.
For details, refer to Output file format (4), (5), (6) in the GUI Reference Manual.

Can STIL/WGL files be converted to EVA100 pattern files?

Yes, the optional software 「STIL Reader Plus for EVA100」 support the conversion.

What kind of file format is a waveform(AWG)?

Please refer to the "Waveform definition file" in the GUI Reference Manual.

If the path name of the project file contains "#", it cannot be saved?

Correct. Please use path names that do not contain "#".

How to install the OpenJDK?

Please refer to the "Software installation manual".

How to find the Mac Address of the computer for license request?

Open the command prompt window then type the following command.

>getmac /nh

You can use the mac address at the first line.

The service option for [ATFLEX Server R1.00] is "AUTO(delay start)" by default. Is it OK to change to "AUTO"?

Normally there is no issue, however rarely under the high loading status the server PC the license server program may fail to initially start. In this case please start it manually.
Please refer to the "ATLEX Package Installation manual" for how to start.

Encountered the error message "Cannot connect to license server system, ... (Error Code:001-999-009)" during option software start up.

The following possible causes:

No access to the license server machine or license server service is not running.
Confirm the network connection.
Confirm the ATFLEX license server service status.
Reached the maximum license count or license has been expired.
Not registered the license file.
Register the license file you purchased.

Please refer to the "ATLEX Package Installation manual"