웹 내용 전시 웹 내용 전시

  • Environmental Highlights 2012

    Power saving initiatives at Advantest Group in fiscal 2011

  • Environmental Management

    Based on our basic attitude of “Caring for Our Planet,” we promote environmental initiatives and environmental management.

  • Environmental Education

    We conduct environmental education aimed at fostering an awareness of the environmental and more practical approaches to the environment.

  • Environmental Action Plan

    Based on the theme of preparing for a low-carbon society, the Environmental Action Plan was established.

  • Environmental Contribution Activities

    We believe that protecting and nurturing the global environment is a very important issue for environmental management.

  • Environmental Communication

    We believe it is necessary f to candidly disclose information related to its environmental footprint and environmental activities to stake holders.

  • Product Recycling

    We take active steps to ensure that the products it sells are reused and recycled after they are retired.

  • Global Warming Prevention

    We regard the halt of global warming as an important corporate mission, and work vigorously to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Efficient Use of Resources

    We promote the “Three Rs” (reduce, reuse, and recycle) with the aim of realizing a recycling-based society.