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Basic stance

The survival and growth of companies is supported by resources such as energy and water generated by our Earth. At the Advantest Group we believe that protecting and nurturing the global environment that we benefit greatly from is a very important issue for environmental management, and we conduct our environmental contribution activities based on this belief. A wide variety of living beings inhabit our earth and enrich the global environment. It is essential for companies to efficiently use the resources the Earth has blessed us with so that sustainable development is achieved, and it is necessary for companies to fulfill their corporate social responsibility by helping preserve the diversity of the Earth's living things. The Advantest Group has clearly defined a stance of treating biodiversity conservation activities as a business goal and is conducting initiatives to this end.

List of environmental and social contribution activities

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  • Organizing a nature-watching event at the biotope
  • Organizing local cleanups
  • Organizing forest conservation activities
  • Donating used articles

Reforestation activities conducted on the Malaysian island of Borneo

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Reforestation activity in Borneo

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The Eco-Forest Park is a forest site near Kota Kinabalu on the Malaysian island of Borneo where the Advantest Group conducted a three-year project starting in fiscal 2004. The Advantest Group has recently signed a maintenance contract with a local corporation for the purpose of supporting the cultivation of the reportedly hard-to-raise native dipterocarp and contributing to local employment.


Forest conservation activities at Kusatsu and Kitakyushu

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Forest conservation activities at
Kusastu Yasuragi-no-Mori

The Advantest Group is conducting forest conservation activities at Kusastu Yasuragi-no-Mori, a government-owned forest in Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun, Gunma Prefecture. After tree thinning, this forest that has been neglected since it was planted 57 years ago will revive and become a healthy forest able to absorb carbon dioxide and nourish natural water sources. In fiscal 2011, 22 Advantest volunteers participated in tree thinning activities, the fifth time these activities were conducted since being launched in fiscal 2007. In addition, the Group also participates in activities such as the Tori-ga-Saezuru Midori-no-Kairo tree planting event in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture together with the Kitakyushu city government and local NPOs.
The Group plans to raise the environmental awareness of its employees by continuing to participate in these types of tree-planting activities in the future.


Biodiversity conservation in the biotope

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Nature observation event

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Daruma bullfrog

The Advantest Group created a biotope on the premises of the Gunma R&D Center in April 2001 to provide a living space for a variety of living beings in an effort to live in harmony with nature. This biotope that features ponds, streams, and wooded areas is an attempt to bring back to life the traditional rural landscape of the Kanto Plain, and has grown successfully over the years. A multitude of living beings inhabit this biotope, including threatened or near-threatened species that are on the Ministry of the Environment's Red List, such as the Tokyo-daruma-gaeru (Rana [Pelophylax] porosa porosa, Daruma bullfrog) and Chusagi (Areda intermedia, intermediate egret).

The biotope is also used as a venue for communication with the local community, and we have worked to ensure that the biotope provides a useful role for a larger variety of people by organizing nature observation events for local elementary school children and presenting research themes to the Faculty of Social Information Studies at Gunma University.

In addition, the activities conducted at the biotope have been registered with the Birdpia initiative organized by the Japanese Society for Preservation of Birds, and the Group is now conducting activities based on this initiative.