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Basic Policy

Based on our basic attitude of “Caring for Our Planet,” the Advantest Group promotes environmental initiatives by considering the environment in the course of its daily business activities, striving to reduce its environmental impact and offering environmentally friendly products. Through these efforts and as a corporate citizen we aim to give back benefits to industry and commerce, society, and the global environment.

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Advantest Group Environmental Policy

  1. Promoting Environmental Management
    By establishing our Environmental Management System, we promote global environmental conservation efforts that achieve a balance between business activities and environmental concerns. Individual Advantest employees strive to protect the environment while carrying out their daily work and their responsibilities.
  2. Provision of Environmentally-Friendly Products
    We strive to provide environmentally friendly products throughout their life cycle -- from procurement of material to waste disposal, through energy conservation, improved recyclability, and the elimination of hazardous substances.
  3. Reduction of Customers' Environmental Burden
    Through our sales of products and services, we contribute to our customers' reduction of their environmental burden.
  4. Better Workplace Procedures
    We constantly strive to reevaluate and reform work procedures to help preserve the environment.
  5. Conservation of Biodiversity
    By being alert to the impact of our business activities on biodiversity, we strive for the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of biological resources.
  6. Complying with environmental laws and regulations and preventing pollution
    Upholding all environmental laws and regulations and voluntary standards, we protect nature and shield our neighbors from environmental pollution and health hazards.
  7. Disclosing information related to environment
    Advantest's environmental policy is made freely available to all employees, stakeholders, and other concerned parties. We strive to disclose our environmental activities and openly communicate with society.

The Advantest Group's Guidelines of Action for Biodiversity

To show our gratitude for the gift of nature that is endowed by biodiversity, and to recognize the significance of biodiversity in underpinning the prosperity and the wellness of our society, the Advantest Group will carry out initiatives in conserving biodiversity and in contributing to the sustainable use of biological resources.

  1. Understanding Environmental Impact
    We identify, evaluate and share the information on any aspects that may have a significant impact on biodiversity in the entire lifecycle of our business activities.
  2. Understanding Biodiversity
    We increase awareness and understanding of biodiversity among all employees so that they are able to engage in activities that give consideration to biodiversity in their business activities and daily lives.
  3. Reduction of Environmental Impact
    By seeking highly effective measures, and by carrying them out continuously, we reduce the impact of our business activities on biodiversity.
  4. Cooperation with Stakeholders
    We cooperate with a variety of stakeholders such as the government, educational organizations, NPOs, local residents and our business partners to promote activities related to the conservation of biodiversity.

Framework to promote environmental management

The Advantest Group has set up the CSR and Environment Management Center and the Committee on Environmental Conservation, under the direct control of the Managing Executive Officers Committee, who are responsible for formulating and determining environmental management strategies and implementing them across the Group. Furthermore, we share information with the CSR and environmental divisions of our overseas business locations to implement environmental activities on a global scale.

Environmental management
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Acquisition of ISO14001 certification

The Advantest Group has acquired Integrated ISO14001 certification for its offices, as well as its research, development, and production facilities in Japan. In addition, at its overseas business locations, the Group is working to introduce ISO14001 based on particular circumstances of each country and is conducting initiatives to this end. Based on the unified ISO14001 standard, the Group is conducting a range of initiatives aimed at reducing energy use, reducing waste, and developing and providing environmentally friendly products in order to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities. The Group is achieving results in these efforts in each country it operates in.

Acquisition of ISO14001 certification
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Improvement in operational efficiency in environmental management system

During fiscal 2011, the Group took steps aimed at ensuring more rigorous adherence by management to the ISO14001 standard as revised at the end of fiscal 2010. As a result, the Group has reduced the number of suggestions received during external reviews and internal audits, improved the level of its operations, and reduced the number of man-hours needed to ensure adherence to ISO14001.

During fiscal 2012, E-learning related to ISO14001 environmental education is planned to be introduced in Japan, as we take steps to instill and improve the efficiency of this education. In addition, we will strengthen ties with our overseas business locations as we conduct ISO14001 activities to support our diversifying environmental conservation initiatives.

Internal environmental audit

The Advantest Group conducts an internal environmental audit every year to voluntarily check its improvement in environmental performance and the suitability and effectiveness of the environmental management system to ensure that the ISO14001 standards are being strictly enforced. In September 2011, 100 qualified internal environmental auditors conducted a periodical internal environmental audit at all ISO14001-certified factories and offices, after receiving regular training provided by Advantest's internal audit unit. Although there were 17 minor improvement points, no accidents, complaints, or legal violations concerning the environment were revealed, and the improvement points were responded to promptly. The Group will ensure that the findings of the audit are faithfully reflected in its environmental management system and that ongoing reforms are conducted.