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Advantest Global Privacy Policy

Ver. 2003.8.1

Advantest Corporation ("Advantest") is committed to respecting your privacy. Advantest acknowledges that information that may be used to identify you, as an individual ("Personal Information"), such as your first and last name, street address, e-mail address, or telephone number, is your private information and our intention is to collect, use, store, and manage this information appropriately.

Purpose and usage of Personal Information

Advantest will use Personal Information that you have supplied to us only for the purpose of completing obligations of developing and providing better products and services, providing useful information, and for other appropriate purposes.
Without your consent, Advantest will not use Personal Information for the purposes other than written above.

Viewing, changing and deletion of your Personal Information

If you request to see, correct or delete Personal Information that you have provided to us, we will make our best possible effort to promptly respond to your request after we confirm your identity, and we will give you our response.
For more details, please inquire at the Personal Information contact noted below.

Storing and Managing Personal Information

Advantest will store and manage with our best possible care the Personal Information that you have provided us when visiting this Site.

We have adopted strict security policies to prevent Personal Information from leaking outside our network. We have assigned Personal Information managers for each related division. These managers implement the appropriate management steps to protect Personal Information. We also provide training within the company on the importance of protecting Personal Information and are constantly striving to protect Personal Information throughout all facets of the company.

We will not disclose, provide, or transfer Personal Information that you have provided to a third party without your permission. However, if a public institution, such as a judicial court or the police, requests information in accordance with the law, Advantest will disclose or provide the Personal Information that you have provided to that public institution to the extent required.

In addition, when it is necessary to disclose to an entity to which we have entrusted business ("Business Service Provider"), such as an Advantest subsidiary, affiliate or sales agent, your Personal Information for the purpose of providing a product or service that you desire, Advantest will disclose or provide to the Business Service Provider the Personal Information you have supplied to the extent necessary for the Business Service Provider to carry out the entrusted business. When we do provide a Business Service Provider with your Personal Information, however, we will ensure appropriate management of the Personal Information by entering into a confidentiality agreement with the Business Service Provider in advance and implementing other protective measures.

Contact Information

For questions regarding Advantest's Privacy Policy, please contact us at the following e-mail address:


* We would appreciate if you contact us in English or Japanese.


Advantest America, Inc. Privacy Statement

Ver. 2012.4.1

Advantest America, Inc., together with its subsidiaries (also referred to in this document as “AAI”), provides this Privacy Statement to make you aware of our privacy practices and our commitment to strong and meaningful privacy protection for personal information we may collect, whether collected online or otherwise. To make this notice easy to access, it is typically available on the bottom of every AAI web page.

Customers are AAI's most valuable asset. We recognize that building a long-term business relationship with you depends a great deal on trust. This trust begins with our commitment to respecting as well as protecting your privacy. An integral part of this commitment, AAI complies with the US-EU Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the US Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries.  AAI has certified that it adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement.  To learn more about the Safe Harbor program, and to view our certification page, please visit http://www.export.gov/safeharbor/.

We've structured our web site so that you can visit us without identifying yourself or revealing any personal information. Throughout this Privacy Statement, covered information refers to information that is associated with an individual person that can potentially be used to uniquely identify, contact or locate that person, excluding publicly available business contact information.  Examples of covered information include an individual' government identifier (such as a social security or tax ID number), personal cell phone number, and product and professional interests. If you share your covered information with us, you can be assured that it will only be used to develop and support your relationship with AAI.

AAI's privacy statement covers 9 main areas: Notice, Choice, Access & Accuracy, Onward Transfer, Security, and Compliance/Enforcement, Tailoring Email Communications and Web Experiences, How AAI Uses Cookies and Additional Information. These areas are described in detail below. Please keep in mind that our privacy practices may vary as required by local laws and policies.

Comments or questions about our privacy practices can be sent to: AAI_Privacy@advantest.com.

1. Notice

What information we collect

During the course of your relationship with us, we may collect covered information to enable you to order products or services, download software updates, make requests and register for customized communications programs. We may collect such information as your name and contact, billing and transaction information. To tailor our subsequent communications to you and improve our products and services, we may ask you to provide information regarding your personal or professional interests, demographics, experience with our products and contact preferences.  Covered information may be required to determine access eligibility for certain restricted parts of our site.  Data collected on-line may be combined with information provided off-line.

How we use the information

AAI may use your covered information to better understand your needs and provide you with better service. Specifically, we may use your covered information to help you complete a transaction, to communicate back to you, provide updates on service and benefits, and to personalize our web sites and communications with you. From time to time, we may also use your personal information to contact you for market research or to provide you with marketing information we think would be of particular interest. We will always give you the opportunity to opt-out of receiving such contact. If you would like to read more about how to opt-out, please follow the directions given below in the "Choice" section of this document. In addition, we will also follow local requirements where applicable.

Whom we share the information with

AAI does not sell or lease your covered information to others.   We may share covered information among AAI entities, unless restricted by law, regulation or contract. Where a third party is performing services for or on behalf of AAI for the uses described above and sharing covered information is required for the third party to perform its services for AAI, AAI may share covered information with such third parties, unless restricted by law, regulation or contract.   Where we disclose covered information to service providers outside of AAI, we require that they maintain protections consistent with this policy.

2. Choice

AAI will not use or share your covered information in ways unrelated to the ones described above without first notifying you and offering you a choice.   We will also provide you the opportunity to let us know if you wish to opt-out of certain or all contact from AAI. This choice may be offered at the bottom of our on-line or off-line communications to you as well as on many of our web registration pages. If you have any difficulty exercising your choices, please send your request to AAI_Privacy@advantest.com.

3. Onward Transfer

Subject to your permission or as permitted by law, the covered information that you provide to us may be transferred to third parties or within AAI across state or country borders.  Where we transfer covered information to third parties or AAI entities located in countries other than the country in which the covered information was collected, we require that they maintain protections consistent with this policy.

4. Access and Accuracy

AAI strives to keep your covered information accurate, complete and relevant for the purposes for which it is to be used. Upon request, we will provide you with reasonable and appropriate access to your covered information collected by or on behalf of AAI. Where appropriate, we will correct your covered information to the extent that it is inaccurate. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting you access or enabling you to make corrections.

To access your covered information, return to the point of collection or send your request to AAI_Privacy@advantest.com.  We strive to respond to access requests within a reasonable timeframe.

5. Security

AAI is committed to ensuring the security of your covered information. To prevent loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction, and to maintain data accuracy and ensure the appropriate use of covered information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure it.

6. Compliance/Enforcement

In compliance with the US-EU Safe Harbor Principles, AAI commits to resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information.  Those who have inquiries or complaints regarding this privacy policy should contact AAI at AAI_Privacy@advantest.com or, alternatively at:

Advantest America, Inc.
c/o Regional Information Security Office
3061 Zanker Road
San Jose, CA 95134-2127
Phone: (408)-456-3800
Fax: (408)-456-5145

AAI has further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints under the US-EU Safe Harbor Principles to an independent dispute resolution mechanism, the BBB EU SAFE HARBOR, operated by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed by AAI, please visit the BBB EU SAFE HARBOR web site at www.bbb.org/us/safe-harbor-complaints for more information and to file a complaint.

7. Tailoring E-Mail Communications and Web Experiences

On occasion AAI may employ technologies that enable us to review which recipients have opened our e-mail communications and which links they have accessed in the message. This helps us to tailor our communications in our attempts to send you the most relevant information, as local laws and your preferences and permissions allow.  As a registered user, we may also monitor your web browsing session while you are logged-in to http://www.advantest.com. In this way we will try to improve our web site through personalization to better meet your needs.  Any such monitoring is done in accordance with local laws.

8. How AAI Uses Cookies

A cookie is a piece of information either stored temporarily in your browser's memory space (session cookie) or placed on your computer's hard drive (stored cookie). Cookies allow a web application to respond to you as an individual, but without the need to identify you explicitly. Session cookies are destroyed when you terminate your browsing session by shutting down your browser. Stored cookies often have a predetermined expiration date after which they disappear from your hard drive. Cookies can be removed explicitly through functionality built into most web browsers. You may also set your web browser (e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) to notify you of cookie placement requests, ask for permission to accept them, or decline cookies completely.

Cookie Usage

On occasion AAI may use cookies to help us analyze web traffic or to improve your web navigation experience. To facilitate the analysis, an ID is assigned to help us uniquely identify you each time you return to our web site. One of the major concerns about stored cookies is the fear that they contain covered information and information identifying you that could be accessed by other web sites. AAI only stores a randomly chosen unique ID number and a context, both of which are meaningless to others, but help us uniquely identify you.

By gathering and remembering information about your preferences, the web application can:

  • Tailor its operation to your needs, likes and dislikes.
  • Provide an automated log-in process as a convenience for previously registered customers. This insures that you will be accurately identified and linked with your registration data.
  • Be placed on your computer to ensure you are not surveyed multiple times during your visit(s) to a AAI web site. This cookie has a limited life span and will not personally identify you.

Cookies help us provide a better web experience by letting us monitor what's working and what isn't through site traffic analysis. AAI wants to be sure you understand that accepting a cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any covered information about you, other than the data you chose to share with us. While acknowledging the concerns that some visitors have about cookie usage, we believe that the benefit our webpage visitors gain from the use of cookies is worthwhile.

9. Additional Information

Links to Third Party Web Sites

Links to third party web sites are provided solely as a convenience to you. If you use these links, you will leave the AAI site. AAI has not reviewed all of these third party sites; does not control and is not responsible for any of these sites, their content or their privacy policies. Thus, we do not endorse or make any representations about them, or any information, software or other products or materials found there, or any results that may be obtained from using them. If you decide to access any of the third party sites linked to this site, you do so entirely at your own risk.

Changes to the Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to change the Privacy Policy and this Privacy Statement.  All material changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this page.  The revision date shown at the top of the page will be updated accordingly.

Contact Information

Please e-mail questions or comments about our privacy practices to:


Business Partner Privacy Policy

Ver. 2012.4.1

1. Purpose

Advantest Corporation ("Advantest") is committed to strong and meaningful privacy protection for personal information we may collect from Advantest's customers, suppliers, and the individuals working for or on behalf of non-Advantest enterprises.

This Policy applies to all Advantest entities, its officers and employees worldwide. At Advantest our goal is to collect, use and transfer personal data (defined in Section 2 below) in a lawful and honest fashion.

This Policy has been developed in a manner which permits Advantest to comply with and register under the Safe Harbor provisions offered by the European Union ("EU") and United States Department of Commerce (the "Safe Harbor") for the transfer of personal information from the EU to the United States.

Collection, use and transfer of personal data by Advantest, is based on the following Advantest privacy principles:

  • We respect the privacy of our customers, suppliers and other individuals working for or on behalf of non-Advantest enterprises with which Advantest conducts business (collectively referred to as "enterprise personnel");
  • We tell enterprise personnel what personal data we collect and why (at the point where the Personal Data is collected or otherwise by notice to the individual);
  • Where appropriate, we provide enterprise personnel with a choice as to certain usages or sharing of personal data;
  • We collect, use and retain only personal data that is necessary, relevant and not excessive for the business purposes for which it is to be used;
  • We value and uphold information quality;
  • Where we disclose personal data to service providers outside of Advantest, we require that they maintain protections consistent with this Policy;
  • Where we transfer personal data to Advantest entities located in countries other than the country in which the personal data was collected, we require that they maintain protections consistent with this Policy;
  • We use commercially appropriate and reasonable information security safeguards to protect the personal data we collect;
  • We tell enterprise personnel how they can correct information we have about them; and
  • We do not sell or lease personal data.

2. Privacy Practices

Advantest is committed to using commercially appropriate and reasonable measures to adhere to the privacy principles set forth above. To that end, Advantest has adopted the following privacy practices with regard to personal data:

A) Collection of Personal Data

For purposes of this Policy, "personal data" is information that is associated with an individual person that can potentially be used to uniquely identify, contact or locate that person. Examples of Personal Data include an individual’s government identifier (such as a social security or tax identification number), photograph or video identifiable to an individual, home address, personal cell phone number, and product and professional interests. Personal Data may also include other information related to an individual that may directly or indirectly identify the individual (e.g., purchase history, call history, etc.). This also includes any other Personal Data considered to be sensitive under local law. For purposes of this Policy, Advantest does not consider publicly available business contact information such as company name and title to be Personal Data.

Advantest collects and processes Personal Data to develop and support its relationships with the enterprises with which Advantest conducts business. Advantest limits the types of information that it collects to that information about enterprise personnel that Advantest reasonably deems necessary and relevant to serve these purposes.

B) Use of Personal Data

Advantest will only use Personal Data for legitimate business purposes and will not process Personal Data in ways that are incompatible with the purposes for which it was collected. Categories of what Advantest considers to be legitimate business purposes include:

  • Developing and issuing proposals or quotations to customers or soliciting proposals or quotations from suppliers;
  • Completing and/fulfilling orders
  • Providing or obtaining order and/or shipment status for outstanding orders;
  • Providing service, support or product updates;
  • Sending marketing communications (when the enterprise personnel has the option of not receiving such communications);
  • To comply with Advantest's legal or regulatory obligations; and
  • To protect the vital interests of Advantest or enterprises with which Advantest has a business relationship.

C) Transfer and Disclosure of Personal Data

Advantest does not sell or lease Personal Data. Advantest may transfer Personal Data among Advantest entities, and may make Personal Data stored in one country accessible to Advantest employees or service providers in that country or in other countries unless restricted by law, regulation or contract.

Advantest may also transfer or disclose Personal Data to unaffiliated third parties in the following circumstances, unless restricted by law, regulation or contract:

  • Where the third party is performing services for or on behalf of Advantest consistent with Advantest's legitimate business purposes and the transfer of Personal Data is required for the third party to perform such services;
  • To comply with Advantest's legal obligations, including when necessary to abide by law, regulation or contract or to respond to a court order, administrative process or judicial process, including, but not limited to, a subpoena or a search warrant;
  • With the written consent of the enterprise personnel;
  • As necessary to defend against potential, threatened or actual litigation;
  • When necessary to respond to an emergency that is believed to threaten risk of harm to person or property; or
  • In connection with the sale, assignment or other transfer of all or part of Advantest's business.

Whenever Advantest permits a third party to access Personal Data, commercially appropriate safeguards will be followed to help ensure that the information is used for authorized purposes and by authorized persons in a manner consistent with this Policy, and that the security, integrity and privacy of the information is maintained.

D) Notification

Advantest notifies enterprise personnel from whom the Personal Data is collected (at the point where the Personal Data is collected or otherwise by notice to the individual) as to what Personal Data is collected, how it is used, how to contact Advantest, the types of third-parties to which Advantest discloses information, and the choices provided where appropriate.

E) Choice

Advantest gives enterprise personnel opportunities to control the use and sharing of their Personal Data. Where legally required, enterprise personnel will be required to give their explicit permission (opt-in) to having their data transferred to a third party or between Advantest entities and/or countries. Enterprise personnel can choose whether and how Advantest uses their Personal Data or shares that information with persons or entities outside Advantest when it is going to be used for a purpose that is incompatible with the primary purposes for which it was collected or as subsequently authorized by the enterprise personnel. However, Advantest reserves the right to use or share Personal Data as described under Sections 2 (B) and (C) above.

F) Access and Integrity

Advantest takes commercially appropriate and reasonable measures to ensure that all Personal Data is accurate, complete and relevant for the purposes for which it is to be used. Advantest allows enterprise personnel, upon request, reasonable and appropriate access to review their Personal Data that has been collected by or on behalf of Advantest. Where appropriate, enterprise personnel are allowed to correct their Personal Data to the extent that it is inaccurate. Advantest strives to respond to access requests within a reasonable timeframe. The obligation of Advantest to respond to requests for access or correction may be limited when: the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to privacy, the rights of individuals would be violated, when necessary to protect the legal interests of Advantest, or necessary to abide by law, regulation or contract.

G) Information Security

Advantest takes reasonable security precautions to protect Personal Data from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.

H) Compliance & Enforcement

From time to time, as it deems appropriate, Advantest will take commercially reasonable steps designed to:

  • Verify that Personal Data is managed in a manner that is consistent with this Policy;
  • Assess the effectiveness of privacy controls, which are intended to be commensurate to the risks they seek to mitigate;
  • Verify that the representations that Advantest makes about its privacy practices are accurate and that privacy controls have been implemented as represented; and
  • Utilize an independent dispute resolution mechanism as necessary.

Following such verification process, if necessary, Advantest will put commercially appropriate and reasonable procedures in place designed to help ensure that Advantest's representations regarding its privacy practices are accurate and that privacy controls have been implemented as represented. Advantest will monitor remediation activities to confirm compliance findings are addressed in a timely manner.

Where appropriate, Advantest will participate in relevant outside certification programs that will provide oversight to Advantest's privacy program. Advantest will cooperate with the relevant data protection authorities in investigations and resolutions of complaints relating to this Policy, and will seek to comply in good faith with the advice of these authorities, including remedial or compensatory measures for the benefit of individuals. Advantest will provide timely written confirmation of its actions to comply in good faith with the advice of the data protection authorities.

I) Contact Information

Advantest's Information Security Committee is responsible for addressing privacy incidents, inquiries, complaints and third party disputes. Advantest will investigate all complaints or disputes regarding Personal Data promptly. The Regional Information Security Officer will designate individuals who will be responsible for investigating and resolving such matters, as well as ensuring that the Advantest Business Partner Privacy Policy is observed and enforced.

To support Advantest's efforts to meet the commitments in the preceding privacy practices, Advantest has designated the Information Security Committee to provide oversight of the Personnel Privacy Policy within the Advantest group of companies. The Information Security Committee can be reached via email* at


* We would appreciate if you contact us in English or Japanese.