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The Advantest Group published its Environmental Report from fiscal 2000, its Social and Environmental Report from fiscal 2006, and its CSR Report from fiscal 2007.

From fiscal 2011 and from the perspective of minimizing the use of paper resources, we have been providing reports on our businesses and business activities in a PDF format and from fiscal 2012, we have been providing these reports on our website.

Within the Special Feature Corner of the fiscal 2012 report, we describe how we are using our cutting-edge technologies and expertise in our initiatives, which are based on the “measurement and testing technologies” that constitute our DNA, to develop innovative technologies and products. In addition, from fiscal 2012 within the description of its CSR activities, we introduce the seven core ISO26000 issues that provide us with guidance on fulfilling our social responsibilities.

Scope and Period Covered by This Report

This report covers activities performed by Advantest and its affiliates (10 in Japan and 29 overseas, as of March 31, 2012) during fiscal 2011 (April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012).

∗: Activities performed prior to or after the above period are also mentioned as references to expand readers’ understanding.

Guidelines Referenced

  • GRI, “Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G3)”
  • Ministry of the Environment, “Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2007”
  • Ministry of the Environment, “Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005”
  • Japanese Standards Association, ISO 26000: 2010, Guidance on social responsibility