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Organizational Governance


We reviewed our disaster prevention and response system following the Great East Japan Earthquake and as a result have been implementing various measures as a priority. We have revised our policies for dealing with the rolling blackouts and electricity shortage and for implementing power saving, we have updated our disaster recovery manual, and we are reconstructing our business continuity plan.

Human Rights


We have newly employed two persons with disabilities. We are updating and implementing our procedures manual, have introduced a JIT (just in time) production system for equipment, and are working to create an environment in which everyone can work effectively.


We have taken on trainees from local special support schools.

Labor Practices

In order to increase our employment of overseas students and also of overseas students studying in Japan, we took part in employment fairs held throughout Japan that were intended for these students.


We are preparing a safety and health training system based on the Advantest Group Labor Safety and Health Basic Policy and also through revising our training programs, which are necessary for the future. As one part of these efforts, we are carrying safety and health training for work that involves high-voltage electrical equipment.

Fair Business Practices

Taking up such themes as ‘The Risk of Information Leaks,’ we use Hiyari Hatto (close call) case studies from actual work sites in our data security training, through which employees learn about the relevant laws and regulations and also in-Company rules.


In order to build strong bonds of trust with our business partners, we hold informal meetings with them each spring and provide other opportunities for them to exchange information with our executives.

Consumer Issues


We have prepared a form for recording the details of a request for support and these details are then transferred to a board. This enables us to track the progress of a request, from the point we receive it until is fully dealt with.


We have launched an exchange program of engineers responsible for global support between our overseas affiliates, particularly those in Asia, and our customer support department within Japan.

Community Participation and Development


During a five day period in 2011, from May 16th to the 20th, 55 Advantest Group employees participated in volunteer activities in Sendai City, which is within the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster zone.


In fiscal 2011, Advantest America, Inc. donated 10,000 US dollars to the Rebuilding Together campaign. In addition, 24 employees of Group subsidiaries AAI and Verigy took part in volunteer activities to repair mobile homes.