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Environmental conservation costs

Scope: All business locations in Japan; period: April 2011 to March 2012; Unit: ¥1,000

Category Major activities Capital
FY2010 FY2011 FY2010 FY2011

1. Business area costs

  (1) Pollution prevention costs Installation, repair, environmental assessment, and maintenance of pollution prevention facilities 0 0 123,534 122,282
  (2) Global environmental conservation costs Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities 10,000 16,820 144,638 121,524
  (3) Resource circulation costs Disposal and recycling of waste; construction of water supply facilities 0 0 64,131 73,293

2. Upstream / downstream costs

Green procurement and purchasing; introduction and development of recycled packaging materials 0 0 0 0

3. Administrative costs

Operation of Environmental Management System; management of the biotope; disclosure of environmental information 1,169 0 225,171 221,847

4. R&D costs

R&D of environmentally friendly products and production technologies 0 0 9,641 6,471

5. Social activity costs

Tree-planting in the surrounding areas 0 0 4,050 2,225

6. Environmental remediation costs

Environmental remediation; penalties or litigations concerning environmental conservation 0 0 0 0
Total 11,169 16,820 571,165 547,642

Environmental conservation benefits

Economic benefits

Scope: All business locations in Japan; period: April 2011 to March 2012; Unit: ¥1,000

Category Major activities Benefit amount
FY2010 FY2011

1. Energy cost savings

Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities; implementation of energy-saving measures 69,782 65,924

2. Revenue from sale of recycled materials

Sale of recovered metals, etc. 33,601 40,394

3. Packaging material cost savings

Introduction of reusable packaging materials and returnable containers -- --

4. Waste disposal cost savings due to reduced waste volumes

Reduction of wastewater disposal costs through the use of wastewater treatment facilities 46,350 40,885

5. Publicity benefits from media coverage

Coverage by newspapers 15,375 6,054
Total 165,108 153,257

Physical benefits

Scope: All business locations in Japan; period: April 2011 to March 2012

Category Major activities Volume reduced / effectively used
FY2010 FY2011

1. Power consumption reduction

Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities 1,829(MWh) 1,554(MWh)

2. Heavy oil consumption reduction

Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities 354(kl) 364(kl)

3. City gas consumption reduction

Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities 307,000(m3) 307,000(m3)

4. Energy consumption reduction

Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities 45,829,674(MJ) 43,479,958(MJ)

5. CO2 emission reduction

Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities 2,346(t-CO2) 2,268(t-CO2)

6. Effective utilization of resources

The total quantity of metals, paper, waste plastics, and other resources recycled 539(t) 366(t)

7. Effective utilization of waste

The percentage of waste recycled to the total volume of waste generated at sites 97(%) 99(%)

8. Reduction of the quantity of purchased packaging materials

Introduction of reusable packaging materials and returnable containers

Customer benefits

  • FY2011 No. of units green products sold : 902


Environmental conservation costs

Scope: 10 overseas affiliates; period: April 2011 to March 2012; Unit: ¥1,000

Category Major activities Costs

1. Global environmental conservation

Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities; improvement of facilities 11,172

2. Resource recycling costs

Disposal of waste 1,810

3. Administrative costs

Operating environmental management; environment-related seminars 2,699

4. Social activity costs

Clean-up activities in the surrounding areas; donations to civil society organizations 1,513
Total 17,194

Environmental conservation benefits

Economic benefits

Scope: All business locations in Japan; period: April 2011 to March 2012; Unit: ¥1,000

Category Major activities Benefit amount

1. Power cost reduction

Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities; implementation of energy-saving measures 1,307

2. Revenue from sale of recycled materials

Sale of recovered metals, etc. 120

Physical benefits

Scope: All business locations in Japan; period: April 2011 to March 2012

Category Major activities Volume reduced

1. Power consumption reduction

Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities 133,470kWh

2. CO2 emission reduction

Installation of energy-efficient equipment and facilities 33.5t-CO2