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Basic stance

The Group's business activities have affected the environment in various ways.

To achieve sincere and sustainable development, it is necessary for companies to candidly disclose this information to stakeholders so that their honest opinions and assessments can be properly reflected in environmental management.

The Advantest Group discloses information related to its environmental footprint and environmental activities through methods including its CSR Report, its corporate website, and various events and exhibitions. In addition, the Group works to achieve interactive communication with its stakeholders by creating opportunities for dialog through activities such as requesting cooperation with surveys and organizing factory tours.

List of environmental communication

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Biotope tour

  • Releasing information on the corporate website
  • Issuing a CSR Report
  • Establishing environmental exhibit corners
  • Providing tours of our business locations
  • Participating in external organizations
  • Participating in exhibitions
  • Participating in environmental surveys

Providing environmental information on the corporate website

The Advantest Group's environmental initiatives are introduced on our corporate website. Contact information has been provided on the website so that stakeholders can submit opinions and questions should they have any. Based on these inquiries, we will report to stakeholders the information they have requested, including information on green products, environmental contribution activities, and environmental impact data. We post corporate social responsibility and environmental news items on our website to keep our stakeholders updated on the latest environmental information from Japan and overseas.

If you have questions or comments related to Advantest's corporate social responsibility and environmental activities, please contact:
CSR & Environmental Affairs Promotion Center, CSR & Environmental Affairs Promotion Office

Publication of the CSR Report

The Group has released an Environmental Report once a year since fiscal 2000. Upon establishment of the CSR Committee in fiscal 2003, the scope of the environmental report was expanded with the addition of CSR information from the 2004 edition of the report. From the 2007 edition, the name of this report was changed to the Corporate Social Responsibility Report, with the content expanded to provide an understanding on our initiatives towards achieving sustainable development and fulfilling our corporate social responsibility.

Establishing environmental exhibit corners

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Environmental exhibit corners

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The Advantest Group has established environmental exhibit corners at the Gunma R&D Center, Gunma Factory, and Saitama R&D Center. The corners aim to provide an understanding of our environmental initiatives to the stakeholders who visit our business locations, including clients, suppliers, and other visitors. Panels with illustrations and photos are used to introduce the Group’s environmental policies and initiatives in a manner that is easy to understand, and we also show videos that introduce our biotope and the recycling procedures for our products.