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Green procurement/Initiatives related to regulations for chemical substances contained in products

At the Advantest Group, our intention is to reduce environmental impact at all stages of production, including those caused by suppliers and assembly and processing companies, in our quest to develop green products. We engage in communication with our business partners, and formulated the Advantest Green Procurement Guidelines in fiscal 2002 to facilitate this process. We operate according to these guidelines in order to give consideration to the environmental aspects in addition to quality, cost, and delivery throughout the whole process of production, including the purchasing of the components and materials that are used for our products.

We have created a database from the environmental information we received from our suppliers, and are utilizing it to promote eco-friendly product manufacturing, along with the implementation of product environmental assessments.

The Basic Principles of Green Procurement

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Component Registration in Green Procurement

Regarding component registration, we are conducting environmental studies of the procured components, with the cooperation of our suppliers. We investigate the components to find out if they contain chemical substances that can burden the environment, and promote green procurement initiatives to reduce environmental impact.

Banned and Restricted Substances

The Group designates and manages chemical substances that may not be included in our products or are subject to restricted use. Criteria for banning or restricting substances are based on the JIG-101 standard (IEC 62474 International Standard to be adopted within fiscal 2012).

Hazardous substance survey support for suppliers

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Hazardous substance
questionnaire meeting

Accompanying the revision in the RoHS Directive in July 2011 and the addition of electrical and electronic products-related regulations in the Joint Industry Guide (JIG), the Advantest Group has revised its hazardous substance questionnaire. In order to help our suppliers submit accurate and quick responses to our hazardous substance questionnaire, we have held meetings to explain the details of the questionnaire, attracting 100 participants in total. Thanks to these efforts, as well as to suppliers' cooperation, we were able to reduce the time taken to complete a parts environmental assessment by more than 20%. In addition to favorable feedback from suppliers, such as "the meeting helped me to understand the hazardous substance questionnaire" and "the examples of how to fill in the questionnaire were easy to understand", we also received some suggestion for improvements regarding the submission method. Based on this feedback, we will continue to reinforce systems for suppliers to encourage cooperation with such questionnaires.