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Advantest’s New Concept Product Initiative is chartered to grow the ‘seedlings’ of ideas into new businesses in the medium- to long-term.

Advantest’s New Concept Product Initiative was established in 2009 under the direction of then president Toshio Maruyama, who gave it the mission of generating innovative concepts that would open up new areas of business.

With innovative measurement technologies at the core of our corporate DNA, we are leveraging this expertise to take on the challenge of developing new businesses that go beyond the framework of our existing operations. From this technology-rich starting point, our goal is to expand our reach into cutting-edge fields that play an ever-increasing role in society and effect positive change in the world.

The Initiative’s work is now progressing with six such projects, all independently propagated out of our existing business activities. These early ideas are being nurtured from concept to development in our R&D Department, soon to be rolled out as products that target unmet market needs with cutting-edge technologies.
