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The Fifth Advantest Group Environmental Action Plan (FY2010-2012)

Based on the theme of preparing for a low-carbon society, the Environmental Action Plan was established in April 2010, aimed at conducting environmental initiatives that reduce customers’ and society’s environmental footprint, give back to society and improve profitability. In line with this Plan, the Group is working to reduce the environmental burden it causes by focusing on the three areas of environmental management, environmentally friendly products, and more efficient business activities.


  1. Scope of initiatives: The Advantest Group's eight business locations in Japan and seven business location overseas (including affiliates)
  2. Time period: Fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2012 (three years)

Key achievements for fiscal 2011

In environmentally friendly product initiatives, environmental assessments on products designed overseas such as at Advantest Europe GmbH (AEG) were stepped up, and as a result, 12 series of green products for fiscal 2011 were marketed, making the green product sales ratio for automatic test equipment 97.5%. In addition, after acquisition of the former Verigy Ltd., a common Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) standard was established and announced for the purpose of establishing shared green product standards.

In measures against global warming, each of our business locations is working towards streamlining the amount of energy used in line with the mid-to-long term plan. In particular, during fiscal 2011, we relied on the cooperation and ingenuity of our employees to save power following the Great East Japan Earthquake, to achieve an average power savings of 35% at our major business locations in response to the national goal of reducing summer power consumption by 15%. As a result, total CO2 emissions for fiscal 2011 were 18,467t-CO2, marking an approximately 3,000 t-CO2 reduction over the past two years. (Fiscal 2009: 21,551t-CO2, fiscal 2010: 20,444t-CO2, fiscal 2011: 18,467t-CO2)

In terms of biodiversity conservation, we believe that the Group's business activities including its supply chain have little direct impact on biodiversity. However, from the viewpoint of environmental preservation, the Group distributes guidelines for biodiversity conservation activities to materials suppliers and has requested cooperation by adding evaluation items that have been added to the supplier check sheet related to biodiversity conservation. Moreover, in addition to maintaining a biotope at the Gunma R&D Center and working to preserve the tropical rain forests in Borneo, the Group also conducts forest preservation activities in Japan and overseas.

Plans for fiscal 2012 and looking towards The Sixth Advantest Group Environmental Action Plan

Up until now, business activities in Japan have accounted for the majority of the environmental impact caused by the Group. However, the Group’s environmental impact overseas has increased recently following the acquisition of the former Verigy Ltd., and expansion of production overseas. In this last year of The Fifth Advantest Group Environmental Action Plan, the Group hopes to transform its environmental activities to respond to issues on a global level as it makes the shift to The Sixth Advantest Group Environmental Action Plan.

The Fifth Advantest Group Environmental Action Plan (FY2011)

Environmental management – Target:

Prepare for a low-carbon future, and help society and build earnings through environmental management.

Environmental management

Environmental management system to all facilities worldwide and enhance environmental management.
(Expand ISO14001 certification to non-production facilities in Japan and internationally, and ensure that all major locations will be ISO14001-certified.)

  • Legal and ISO14001 requirements confirmed for Japan Engineering Co., Ltd. (Kawasaki office)
  • Certification transfer schedule confirmed for overseas affiliates following the former Verigy Ltd. Acquisition
arrow Progress ratio
Environmental contributions

Continue to implement environmental contribution programs with the objectives of environmental contribution and ecosystem preservation.

  • Conducted three forest conservation activities (53 employees participated)* Kabasawa secondary forest (Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture) conservation activity canceled due to rain
  • Forest development activities at source area of Onga River (Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture; July); and conservation activities at Kusastu Yasuragi-no-Mori (Yasuragi-cho, Gunma Prefecture; October);
  • Tree planting event at Tori-ga-Saezuru Midori-no-Kairo (Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture; March)
  • Organized the 14th Science Craft Day workshop for schoolchildren, attracting 165 local elementary school children and their families
  • Special science course provided at Kooriyama Elementary School in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture (48 participants)
  • Conducted disaster volunteer activity in Miyagino-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture (55 employees participated)
  • Registered biotope to the Birdpia initiative operated by Japanese Society for Preservation of Birds
  • Funds from sales of used books, CDs, and DVDs donated to a welfare organization
  • Donated secondhand clothes and books to those in need (China and Taiwan)
  • Conducted home repairs and donation activities (US)
arrow Progress ratio
Environmental training

Plan and continuously offer in-depth environmental training programs (e.g. seminars, lectures) that enhance employees' environmental awareness.

  • Organized lectures on the environment at three offices (453 employees participated)
  • Organized the first environmental photo contest (143 employees and family members in Japan and abroad participated)
  • Organized the third environmental art contest (109 employees and family members in Japan and abroad participated)
  • Organized ecological tours for employees and family members
    (Singapore: 10 participants/Taiwan: 16 participants)
  • Participated in beach cleanup
    (Singapore: 65 participants/Taiwan: 20 participants)
arrow Progress ratio
Information Disclosure

Proactively disclose environmental activities-related information and seek in-depth communication with stakeholders.

  • Shared information (19 items) on the website.
  • Published Corporate Report 2011 (printed brochure and with web extras).
arrow Progress ratio

Environmentally friendly products – Target:

Help customers to reduce their environmental footprint by expanding Advantest's lineup of products that conform to stringent environmental standards.

Green products
Energy reduction

Reduce energy consumption of target products by 20% or more per unit function compared with comparable products.

  • Reduced energy consumption of three types of memory test systems (T2000SP2MF, T5773, and T5773ES) by 20% or more per unit function compared with comparable products.
  • Certified four products related to automatic test equipment-related system, five types of T2000 module products, and three test measurement instruments as green products.
arrow Progress ratio
Using fewer resources and parts

Reduce number of parts used in target products by 20% or more in comparison with previous models.

  • Postponed addressing this theme due to business revisions
arrow Target date
set back

Build target products 50% or more smaller than comparable models.

  • Completed evaluation of prototype board
arrow Progress ratio
Eliminate hazardous substances

Purchase only parts free from 15 targeted hazardous substances.

  • Green procurement rate: 97.1%
arrow Progress ratio
Green product sales

Market green products intensively to help customers reduce their environmental footprint.

  • Percentage of green products among automatic test equipment sold: 97.5%
arrow Progress ratio
Product recycling

Promote product recycling by expanding the Advantest Recycling System.

  • Recycled 15 units of our products, falling below the fiscal 2011 goal of 35 units.
arrow Progress ratio
less than 70%

Business activities – Target:

Improve efficiency for a smaller environmental footprint.

Global warming prevention

Reduce product CO2 emissions per unit of manufacturing volume∗1 by 75%∗2 compared to fiscal 1990

∗1: Number of units produced, calculated by comparing product performance.

∗2: Because the original target for fiscal 2012 has already been achieved, the target for fiscal 2011 was revised to a 75% reduction compared to fiscal 1990.

  • Reduced product CO2 emissions per unit of manufacturing volume by 80% compared to fiscal 1990
  • Launched the ECOCH energy conservation program (332 employees and their families participated; 81 more participants than fiscal 2010)
arrow Progress ratio

Improve manufacturing efficiency for a smaller environmental footprint in the manufacturing process. (Improve board production efficiency, reduce lead times for tester production processes, and improve yield etc.)

  • Maintained automatic mounting machinery energy consumption at under 13.5kWh.
  • Reduced the number of days T2000 is powered on from eight to four.
arrow Progress ratio

Support suppliers' environmental activities to reduce the environmental footprint of Advantest's entire supply chain.

  • Informed suppliers of Advantest Group Guidelines of Action for Biodiversity
arrow Progress ratio

Promote reuse of packaging materials to reduce annual waste by at least 1,000 kg by 2012.

  • Postponed addressing this theme due to business review.
arrow Target date
set back
Resource recycling

Promote the “Three Rs” (reduce, reuse, recycle) to reduce waste by at least 15 tons annually.

  • The volume of waste generated was reduced by 41.7 tons compared to fiscal 2010
arrow Progress ratio
Environmental risk management

Reinforce monitoring to ensure strict observation of environmental laws and regulations and related facilities to prevent accidents.

  • Zero accidents, zero complaints.
arrow Progress ratio
Chemical substance management

Improve penetration and efficiency of chemical substance management. Construct a global management system.

  • Conducted inventory for chemical substances of level 3* and above
  • Confirmed status of use and legal compliance for chemical substances at overseas business locations

∗ : Substances that need to be reported when lost due to their high toxicity (examples: poisonous and deleterious substances).

arrow Progress ratio
Overseas affiliates (global warming prevention)

Enact measures to reduce energy consumption at Advantest's overseas business locations and lower electricity usage.

  • Increased 13% compared to fiscal 2010
arrow Progress ratio
less than 70%
Overseas affiliates (resource recycling)

Enact measures to reduce consumption of resources at Advantest's overseas business locations and minimize waste volumes.

  • The volume of waste generated increased by 10% compared to fiscal 2010.
  • The waste recycling rate improved from 74.7% in fiscal 2010 to 75.3% in fiscal 2011.
arrow Progress ratio
70% or more